CampaignMonitor updates its CSS guide with mobile email clients

CampaignMonitor is a platform for sending e-mails. They have a very interesting guide detailing the support of different css features by e-mail client.

Recently, this CSS guide has been updated to include mobile email clients. Here is the list of new email clients supported:

  • iPhone 3.0
  • Android Email
  • Android Gmail
  • Palm Pre (WebOS)
  • Palm Treo (Win Mobile 6.5)
  • Palm Treo (Palm Garnet OS)
  • Blackberry

Thanks to this guide, we can see that the latest generation of mobile OSes are doing particularly well. iPhone OS, Android and Palm WebOS are well ahead of the other mobile platforms but also ahead of many webmails and desktop clients.

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CSS email client guide

In the web version, only the iPhone has been integrated. To see the other mobile email clients, you have to go to the PDF version or the XLS version.

To see the css guide for email clients, click here

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

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The author

One Response

  1. They are far too restrictive in the database validation process.

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