E-mail marketing: towards a reputation based on the domain name and no longer on the IP address.

Currently, e-mail providers (gmail, hotmail, yahoo, etc.) manage the reputation of e-mail platforms in relation to their IP address. This reputation is mainly calculated using three criteria:

  1. The number of complaints for Spam;
  2. The number of emails that look like spam (evaluated with software such as spamassassin);
  3. The number of unknown users or non-existent email addresses.

This state of affairs could change! It seems that some providers are migrating to a model where it is no longer the IP address that has a reputation but the domain name that sends the email. This would mean that a brand that sends emails from platform A with ip address A could migrate to platform B with ip address B without losing its reputation.

For more information, read this article: Big Reputation Changes Loom: What They Mean to You

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