Answer: Who are the best French speaking email marketing consultants?

I asked this question on LinkedIn to some of my contacts. 7 answers were posted directly on LinkedIn and two others came to me through other channels.

Thanks to all those who took time to answer me, in no particular order:
Gaëlle Guillocheau (Dolist), Hervé Bloch (Digilinx), Sylvie de Meeûs (Amaranthe), Maxence Cupper (EmailR), Alexandre Plennevaux (HE Albert Jacquard), Paul de Fombelle (Sarbacan), Anne-Catherine Schaub-Jones (GraphicMail), Aude Tribot (Belgacom), Denis Balencourt (Agents Secrets) and Charles Boone (Snipemail).

Before giving the names mentioned, it is interesting to say that there are several types of email marketers:

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  • The consultants independent They are very few in the French-speaking world to totally dedicate their career to email marketing. Nevertheless, they will undoubtedly be more and more numerous in the coming years.
  • The e-marketing consultants Email marketing is not necessarily their first specialty, but they are still highly qualified to advise on the subject. Their generalist expertise in online marketing promises to give you a 360° analysis of your problems.
  • The routers The email routers obviously have a lot of specialists in-house. They will inevitably be less "independent", but will be able to help you improve your email marketing programs.
  • The others : All those who, while being great specialists, do not offer their knowledge directly to the market as they work for large companies for example.

Specialists cited

  • Bruno FlorenceFlorence
    He is undoubtedly the best known French-speaking freelance email marketing consultant. His blog :
  • Aude DemoulinDolist
    Email Marketing Consultant for 3 years with the router Dolist. Dolist's blog :
  • Yan ClaeyssenEto
    ETO's leading relationship marketing specialist. His blog:
  • Hervé BlochDigilinx -
    After working for Emailvision, Hervé Bloch is the founder of Digilinx, a digital marketing consulting agency.
  • Nicolas RuchonOrange
    Formerly at B2D1, Nicolas Ruchon is currently in charge of the Emailing department at Orange.
  • Sylvie de MeeûsAmaranth
    Manager of the web agency Amaranthe. His blog :
  • Maxence CupperEmailR
    After working for Emailvision, Maxence is currently Product Manager at EmailR. Blog (with others)
  • Mathieu TarnusGOTO Software (Sarbacane) -
    He is the CEO of GOTO Software, the editor of the email routing software Sarbacane. Sarbacane's blog:
  • Charles BooneSnipemail -
    Webmarketing and Webstrategy consultant. Emailing specialist. His blog:
  • Jérôme GaysDelivernow
    Former deliverability specialist at Cabestan, Jérôme is now an independent consultant, still in the deliverability field. His blog :
  • Bruno FridlanskyConsonaut
    He is the animator of Consonaute, but also of many other projects. His blog :
  • François Lamotte Spade
    François has worked at Selligent and is passionate about digital communication.
  • Jean-Pierre De BeysEmailR
    Founder of EmailR, he has worked for Belgacom, DDB and Telenet, among others. Blog (with others)

As you may have noticed, this is not a exhaustive list ! Feel free to share other experts in the comments.

Do you have an idea for a question?

If you have an idea of a question to ask in the same line, do not hesitate to let me know! Finally, you should know that Badsender also offers the services of its own emailing consultants.

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

10 réponses

  1. Hello Jonathan
    Thank you very much for the mention among the email marketers.
    Have a nice weekend

  2. So many people here who are all pulling in the same direction for the preservation of this beautiful tool that is email marketing!

  3. BACHER > Preservation 😉 sounds like you're talking about an endangered species!

  4. Personally, I use the services of Diane Revillard, an independent who deserves to be on the list:

    NB: it should be noted that being an "independent" consultant does not prevent you from also offering tools (routing, analysis, etc.), whether they are your own or white-label. This should also be mentioned in the text.

    Thank you for this list, in any case

  5. Guillaume > Thanks for the info! You should always praise the people you are happy with 😉

  6. Nice people indeed... What will be the TOP 13 for the year 2013 🙂

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