"Badsender" of the week: Not easy to enter my contest!

Winning a year of free movies is tempting! But for that, you still need to be able to click on the participation link in the competition:

The email without the displayed images

Your lynx eye will probably have detected another errorand it is in the subject of the email that it must be found:

Find out which celebrity shares your taste in movies and win 1 a of free cinema

No luck, you'll have to be more careful when testing! Well, okay, only one letter is missing ...

To push the vice a little further, this subjectline is not very well balancedThe main incentive is placed at the end, but it would have been better if you could have received 1 year of free movies by discovering which celebrity shares your taste in movies.

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Not great either this text version in which we find html code :

The text version of the email
The text version of the email

With the images displayed, this is a call-to-action that would benefit from being placed higher in the email design. We can't say that the preheader is particularly optimized either.

The email with the images displayed

Thanks to @chacsam for this Badsender of the week.

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Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

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