Email Marketing Analysis - La Redoute: landing pages, privacy and conclusions - Part 4

This is the fourth and final part of our analysis of La Redoute's email marketing program, with a comment on landing pages and privacy, and finally, the general conclusions.


As we only have access to publicly available data, this analysis only looks at the user's perspective of a newsletter.

The actual performance of the email marketing program in question, the data management, the routing, the creative process, the triggers, the opt-in management, the cross-channel, the AB Testing, ... are therefore not targeted.

Do not hesitate to contact Badsender for more information.

Landing pages

Except for the mobile which is always redirected to the mobile homepage and not to the landing page, this is one of the very positive points of La Redoute's emailings.

Groso modo, there are three types landing page:

  • The action summary pageswhich are placed on the generic call-to-actions. It is a page that contains general information about the promotions. These do not add anything more than what has already been said in the emailing. They could be more personalized and more detailed on the conditions of the action.
  • The category pageswhich present all the products that meet the promotion for a specific category.
  • The product pagesThey follow the call-to-actions of the products highlighted in the newsletters to have direct access to the promotions on them.

It's generally very well organized although the summary pages could be more attractive and have social media sharing features.

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Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

Privacy Policy

Reading the "Privacy Statements" is always enlightening on the way a company considers its customers. On the "Personal Data" page of the website, the tone is extremely understandable and we are far from the legal jargon used on some sites.

On the other hand, if a paragraph includes the legal information in the footer of the emailingsit is a pity that there is no no direct link to the "Personal Data" page.

"In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 06/01/1978, you have the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning you and to oppose their processing. If you wish to exercise this right, you may write to La Redoute - Customer Relations Department - 59081 Roubaix Cedex 2, indicating your name, first name, address, e-mail address and, if possible, customer reference number in order to speed up the processing of your request. At these same coordinates, you can object to commercial prospecting at no cost. To find out about our policy for protecting your personal data, log on to the Redoute website, under the heading "personal data" at the bottom of the page."

As far as the content of these legal notices is concerned, there is nothing special to report.


An email marketing program like La Redoute's could not be wrong. So there are many positive points to remember:

  • Simplicity of the "light" registration form
  • Requesting interests in an account's preferences
  • Very high quality of the html code of the emailings
  • Technical identification of the email sender (SPF, DKIM, ...)
  • Regular presence of a pre-header related to the subject of the emailing
  • Unsubscribe process with interesting concepts (but to be merged)
  • Systematic creation of an action-specific landing page
  • Clarity of explanations on the use of personal data

But there are also many areas for improvementSome of them are relatively basic and should be respected by any emailing program and others are more advanced. Here they are in no particular order:

  • Visibility of the possibility to subscribe to a newsletter
  • Pop-up confirmation of the "light" registration form
  • Complexity and length of the account creation form
  • Too little data requested for a "light" registration
  • No double optin
  • Poor welcome email
  • Consistency problem with email addresses and templates
  • Redundancy of email subjects
  • Use of images in emailings and text/image ratio
  • No text version in emails
  • No use of the "List-Unsubscribe" technology
  • Unsubscribe link too discreet
  • Poverty of Call-to-actions
  • No link in the pre-headers
  • Adaptation for the mobile environment
  • Lack of content outside of promotions and poor interactivity
  • Complexity (and absence for the light version) of the profile modification

Without going directly into the production processes of La Redoute's campaigns, it is difficult to know why certain points are not respected. But as in any large organization, the creation is undoubtedly become too mechanical and there are probably too many little perspective in the face of what is achieved.
Nevertheless, the picture is very far from being totally blackLa Redoute's email marketing program remains superior to what is available on the market.

If you have any questions about Badsender servicesdo not hesitate to contact us.

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