#noreplywar - The war on No-reply is declared!

Many scourges affect the quality of emailing campaigns and it would be difficult to tackle them all head on. But one of the most illustrious scourges of our newsletters is undoubtedly theuse of No-Reply addresses. So ... show us your warrior face and let's crusade!

What is a no-reply address?

A no-reply email address (e.g. noreply@mycompany.com) is an email address used for encourage subscribers an emailing program to ... do not answer to the email that is sent to them! Many times, this email address does not even exist!

Find out more about the arguments against the use of no-reply addresses on the #noreplywar minisite.

Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

What is the #noreplywar?

The main goal is to try to convince advertisers to change their practices. How? By giving arguments, by making them think ... by discussing with them on Twitter, on Facebook, by email, ...
Make the advertisers understand that they must be part of it, be the ones who discuss, who open the dialogue with their customers! Make them understand that it is good for them!

Tools to go to the front!

There are different types of tools:

  • A summary of the concept to share as widely as possible, it's here: https://checkthis.com/no-reply-war
  • A monitoring the evolution of the front : https://storify.com/jloriaux/l-histoire-en-realtime-de-la-no-reply-war-noreplyw (feel free to add a comment)
  • The hashtag to use in your Twitter conversations: #noreplywar
  • Survey Vote against no-reply addresses on the minisite.
  • And soon, a survival kitwith Email and Tweet templates to use when you go into battle!
  • And later, a presentation to use to convince your interlocutors.

Don't hesitate to talk of your victories on social networks, give your opinion and make the fight against no-reply known to as many people as possible!

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

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