Help! What are the French emailing platforms?

Badsender needs your knowledge! In order to add a complete list of emailing platforms having a French customer support in the section " Emailing resources "I am looking for the most complete list possible.

Whether it is historical platforms or very young emailing platforms, do not hesitate to tell me everything that comes to your mind.

Here are already the email routers that were communicated to me via a LinkedIn question :

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Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

  1. Actito
  2. Cabestan
  3. Dolist
  4. DREAMmail (Epsilon)
  5. eCricle
  6. Edatis
  7. Emailvision
  8. MailJet
  9. MailPerformance
  10. Message Business
  11. Neolane
  12. Posta-Nova
  13. Sarbacane
  14. Selligent

But it is very clear that there are more! Don't hesitate to give your ideas on LinkedInin the comments of this article, on Facebookon Twitter or in contacting directly Badsender !

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

4 réponses

  1. Also 1000mercis and ReactivPub
    here's what I remember so far

  2. And your opinions on these solutions?

    I used blowpipe... it's not bad to start..but it's still very "small".
    Campaign commander from emailvision didn't convince me at one time..too much of a gas I don't know 😉

  3. Hello Fred,

    The purpose of collecting the names of these different platforms is twofold:

    1. Create in the resources section a complete list of email platforms with French customer support;
    2. Conduct an interview with a leader from each company.


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