After taking inventory of what 2012 has brought usNow it's time to see what 2013 has in store for us.
Don't expect 100% success rates for these predictions, they are there to inspire us and to take a step back from the challenges of the future. Don't see any particular order in these predictions either... except maybe for the first and the last one.
Email on mobile devices: The top priority of the year
Perhaps the easiest of these predictions, adapting email campaigns to the mobile world is the biggest priority for 2013.
With statistics that continue to accelerate (more than 30% of email opening on mobile in France at the end of 2012 according to the SNCD) advertisers can no longer ignore this reality.
Read on Badsender: 19 tips for mobile emailing
Big Data: Start real exploitation with emailing
Big Data or Loch Ness monster? It's time to really get started! And email is an easy way to start. How? By using the data generated by interactions in email programs and web visits to optimize the user experience (personalization and automation).
Read on Badsender: Big Data: Reality or Buzzword for the Digital Marketing World?
User experience: Emailing at the center of the "Customer Journey Map
One of the trends announced for 2013 in the ecommerce sector is clearly an increasing focus on the user experience. And at the center of this new vision of user experience, email should find a prominent place.
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Read on Badsender: Loyalty emailing : How I would have liked to be treated by !
One absent: Social (except for its data)
This is perhaps the riskiest of these predictions, I don't believe that the synergy between social and email marketing will be a big trend in 2013. On the other hand, social data (profile and interactions) will need to fuel email marketing automation and personalization.
Greater integration of email solutions with CMS
In recent years, in-house developed emailing solutions have given way to professional emailing platforms. This change was made for obvious reasons such as email deliverability or the management of complex scenarios. But with the rise of automation and the need to be closer to the data (CRM, Big Data, interactions, content, ...), we will probably see a movement in the other direction. Supported by solutions like Mailjet, Sendgrid or Mandrill.
Read on Badsender: Emailing solutions
Emailing back in the spotlight and investment
Everywhere and all the time, email is likely to make a comeback in 2013. Not that it's been on the back burner in recent months, but we'll talk about it. And there are three things that are helping email make a comeback: mobility, automation and immediacy.
We will probably be able to measure this phenomenon by an increase in conferences and seminars dedicated to emailing.
See you at the end of 2013 to see if these predictions will more or less come true. What is certain is that there is work to be done!