This Wednesday was the opportunity to visit the Emarketing Paris exhibition! As usual (it seems anyway that it's my first visit on this show), a lot of actors of the emailing were present.
During the show, I had the opportunity to talk with about ten of them and overall it seems that this show was a success.
The big news for routers This year, ExactTarget entered the French market. It seems that there is no great concern from the historical routers, some of them being even happy with the arrival of a new actor on this market. Even if the means deployed by the American company seem to be consequent.
An Acxiom conference and SNCD: Latest uses and trends in e-mail marketing
With all these meetings, it was difficult to keep room in the program to attend conferences. Nevertheless, I had reserved an hour in my schedule to go and see the results of the annual SNCD study on the perception of email marketing by Internet users.
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The result is that, apart from mobile usage, there is very little evolution in the use of emailing on the Internet user's side. They are becoming more and more mature, but there is no longer any revolution in their behavior.
More surprising, in my opinion, are the advices that are given to advertisers, always the same for several years. No wonder some people have a vision of emailing as not being an innovative medium if the basic good practices have not yet become the norm!
With three major omissions which are Dolist.net, Neolane and Emailvision ... we will put it on the account of fatigue, here are some pictures of the stands of emailing actors present at the show emarketing Paris.