"Badsender" of the week: THE BUG of the newsletter of ... Badsender.com ...

I had it announced from the very beginningThere is a bug in the Badsender newsletter! And since then, no one has managed to get their hands on it, some have even found others 😉

To find the bug, you had to meet one condition: use Outlook 2007 or higher. Condition that is not given to everyone 😉

Here is the bug in action:

In Outlook 2007

And now you want the solution? No, no, no, I'll give you one more week to make suggestions, so that those who haven't yet subscribed to the newsletter can do so to see the bug in action! So ... the contest is not over!

Otherwise, writing the newsletter identity sheet will have also highlighted the fact ... that the list-unsubscribe function is not integrated by default in MailChimp ... to check for next time!

Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

Identity card

Generic email information:

  • Subject of the email : Relevance, an interview with Actito, a promo code and a job at Sarbacane
  • From : Badsender
  • Preheader : The week of Badsender
  • Platform of routing : MailChimp

Checklist :

  • Link to privacy : Bof
  • Link to unsubscribe : OK
  • DKIM : OK
  • Text version : OK
  • Text to Image Ratio : OK
  • List-unsubscribe : KO
  • Friendly reply : OK
  • Mobile ready : OK

Screenshot of the email


Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

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