Guillaume Fleureau publishes his book "L'emailing efficace" at Eyrolles

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There are relatively few books in French on emailing. A few years ago Yan Claeyssen published E-mail marketing by Dunod and more recently (in 2012), the three founders of Message Business published the Complete Guide to Online Direct Marketing !

This time, it is Guillaume Fleureau, Marketing Director at Sarbacane Software, who adds a title to the French-speaking email marketing library with Effective emailing.

"Effective emailing", a book for everyone!

What strikes you from the first line of reading this book, is the very important effort of popularization which was undertaken by Guillaume Fleureau. Or how to succeed in speaking simply about a subject which can very quickly become technical!

And it is an exercise that this book succeeds brilliantly. The first chapter of the book is devoted to putting emailing back into context, which is important when talking about a medium that was given as moribund just a few years ago. It's a chapter that specialists can probably skip, but that will put the church back in the middle of the village for the others.

A catalog of tips to follow step by step

The book consists of several chapters (lists, optimization, design, deliverability, strategy, ...) that can be read as a list of tips to follow step by step! Do not hesitate when reading to list all the points that can be improved in your emailing program ... you will almost get an emailing audit (even if nothing beats the intervention of a specialist 😉 ).

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The last chapter of the book is made up of ten practical sheets on emailing. These practical sheets will allow you to optimize your emailing practices on a daily basis, for example:

  • How to choose an emailing solution;
  • How to optimize the subject line and content to pass spam filters;
  • How to mix email marketing and social networks;
  • Pre-sending checklist: 30 points to check before sending an emailing campaign.

To be read!

Whether you are already used to the realization of emailing campaigns (on the marketing side, as well as on the technical side) or whether you are a beginner, effective emailing is a very good way to deepen your knowledge and especially to structure it!

Order " L'emailing efficace " on Amazon

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

One Response

  1. Thanks Jonathan for the article!
    I inform that if you have read the book and you have questions, you can write me on this dedicated address: emailing-efficace [at]

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