Huge potential behind E.Leclerc's electronic receipt

receiptA few weeks ago, the E.Leclerc supermarkets announced the launch of electronic cash register receipts. If the press has widely relayed the press release of the distributor by relating an ecological and paper saving objective, few have spoken about the enormous potential hidden behind the dematerialization of the receipt.

An additional sales opportunity

We have known for a long time that transactional email is an extremely powerful medium. The open rate of this type of email reaches dizzying levels that are impossible to achieve with a traditional newsletter campaign.

And Leclerc's electronic receipt will most likely arrive by email and will probably be integrated into a mobile application of the chain. So it would be a shame for the group (and for those who will follow) not to take the opportunity to integrate promotional offers.

For example:

  • after a purchase in the multimedia or household appliance department, you may receive an offer for an extended warranty;
  • if you are a big buyer of a product, the group could offer you a coupon for the private label version of the product;
  • receive offers for E.Leclerc mobile or for the photo development service with pick-up in your store;
  • transform your ticket into a shopping list for your first order at Leclec Drive.

As you can see, there are many opportunities!

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Create a new medium

What E.Leclerc is doing is creating a new medium that is extremely well accepted by consumers. An advertiser's medium that the consumer himself makes part of his habits is a huge opportunity to create a more effective loyalty mode, which uses behavioral data without being considered intrusive.

The link between physical store and e-commerce

For some time now, we have been talking about the blurring of the boundaries between physical stores and e-commerce. The electronic receipt is still a great example. It is the physical store that uses the codes of e-commerce (the confirmation email) in order to better articulate its communication towards the consumer.

An experience that the retail industry will probably adopt massively in the next few years.

Photo credit: GNU Free Documentation License - Michiel1972

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

4 réponses

  1. Hello, this innovation is indeed interesting, but how are the marketing examples mentioned different from what Leclerc can already do with its loyalty card? I'm quite sure that it will improve the opening rate of the emails sent by the group to its customers.
    Finally, congratulations for the quality of your content that I discover.

  2. Hello,

    Indeed, this communication could already be carried out via the loyalty card. The difference lies in the fact that today, any communication that Leclerc could send via its receipt is expected and chosen by the consumer.

    Thanks for the compliments!


  3. Hello,
    This innovation will be a good starting point for all merchants who want to stay in touch with their customers between sales.
    Use with moderation!

  4. Guillaume > Indeed, to be used with moderation ... like everything related to email!

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