Easicrm interview: "poorly targeted mass mailings have a devastating effect on a company's image

easicrmWe welcome easicrm in our cycle of interviews with providers of emailing services. This interview will allow you to make an opinion on the easicrm CRM solution.

Can you give us a brief history of Easicrm ? When was the company founded, by whom, has the business model evolved since the beginning of the adventure ?

In small and medium-sized companies, customers are the primary concern of managers and, in fact, regardless of the organization, everyone deals with customers. Employees from all departments are involved in customer relations in one way or another.

Based on this observation and convinced that the quality of customer relations is a factor of performance and differentiation, Charles Dolisy and Brendan Natral also note that :

  • Users no longer see themselves in traditional CRM tools. They perceive them as control tools and see no personal interest in using them because they do not add any value.
  • SMEs are lost when faced with the multitude of existing tools (CRM, social networks Linkedin/Vidaeo, Corporama, Salezeo, Twitter, Facebook, etc.). They do not have the financial and human resources to deploy several tools that would allow them to cover all their customer relationship needs.
  • Users have access to a colossal amount of information that overwhelms them. They can't sort through the information to identify the most relevant.

In 2008, they decided to create a flexible CRM solution that would simplify the sharing of customer knowledge and promote the development of a customer culture shared by all SME employees. Brendan brings to the project his operational experience in customer relations, Charles' expertise and mastery of a technology that can support their common ambition.

Since 2009, easicrm has concretized the vision of a CRM for the entire company, allowing the different departments to share information and to act in a coherent, informed and coordinated manner with respect to each client. Because companies need flexibility, because they each have their own personality and specificities, because they have neither time nor resources to devote to long-term CRM projects, easiware has favored three principles from the start:

  • a modular approach that allows its customers to build a customized CRM environment starting with what is most pressing to them;
  • a SaaS mode solution, eliminating hardware costs, deployment difficulties, scope evolution and scalability;
  • ease of use, because a complicated CRM is a useless investment!

In general, what services does Easicrm offer (not only emailing services) ?

easicrm offers a complete customer relationship management (CRM) solution based on an intuitive and collaborative management of all customer-related information and actions (sales, marketing, customer service). Its integrated customer intelligence capabilities allow employees to optimize the organization of their work and to understand each customer in a very personalized way.

Flexible and modular, easicrm integrates seamlessly with existing information systems, deploys quickly and adapts easily to internal processes to provide a single environment for managing customer information, actions and interactions.

In order to cover all fields of customer relations, the easicrm suite is composed of two complementary solutions: easicrm sales-marketing and easicrm customer service.

Among other functional aspects, easiware has focused on services and, more particularly, on information convergence and data enrichment. For maximum adoption and ease of use, easiware has also paid extreme attention to the ergonomics and ease of use of easicrm - two essential conditions for the CRM to create value for the company, generate performance for its employees and satisfaction for its customers.

Among these services, which ones are related to emailing?

easicrm sales-marketing offers the possibility to create customized marketing campaigns in just a few clicks: from the segmentation of the database, to the sending of mass or individual e-mails, to the detailed reporting and updating of the contact database, everything is done in easicrm, without importing/exporting, and the follow-up information (opening, clicks, etc.) is automatically transferred to the contact files.

How much of your business is dependent on emailing?


What makes Easicrm unique in your market?

Very attentive to the needs of its customers, easiware regularly proposes new tools and services dedicated to customer relationship management. However, where easiware stands out is by including all the functional evolutions of its solutions in a customer intelligence logic.

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"The key to CRM is not in the features we are and will be able to offer. It is fundamentally in the ability to capture, organize and automatically deliver information that can concretely help sales, marketing and customer service teams in their daily work," explains Charles Dolisy, co-founder of easiware.

easiware brings SMBs into the era of dynamic customer intelligence by focusing on three priorities:

  • contextualize information for more relational intelligence and more personalized data;
  • move from CRM to Social CRM to promote internal and external collaborations;
  • simplify use to maximize employee buy-in.

What solution do you use to send your emails?

The services of a professional router are natively integrated in our easicrm solution.

What are the 3 main challenges for the next few months in the emailing world?

At easiware, we believe that the main issue is to have its emailing solution interfaced with its CRM solution.

No more importing/exporting to a third-party solution, users must have all the information they need in a single solution to do their behavioral targeting, send their emailing and monitor the results both at the campaign level and on each contact sheet.

"I used to have to export my file, deduplicate my excel files, re-import my file, send my newsletter and view the reporting from a routing solution. Then I would export the click/open information to email to the sales people. But that was before...

I let you imagine the time saving, the reduction of error risks but also the data security and the assurance of always having up-to-date information" explains Charlotte Desrosiers, Marketing Manager of easiware.

What do you think of the French emailing market? Is it mature or is there still room for innovation?

We are indeed reaching a phase of maturity in France in the BtoC market.

Maturity is not synonymous with regression or stagnation but with a slowdown due to an evolution of practices that is more qualitative than quantitative.

No more poorly targeted mass mailings that have devastating effects on the company's image in the eyes of its customers/prospects!

Email campaigns are increasingly built on the basis of good "paper" direct marketing methods: scoring, targeting, testing, sending, feedback analysis and ROI.

In this respect, there is still room for improvement in the construction of scores and the final feedback on the operational reactions of customers. This is what we call "closing the loop". This is why we are convinced of the need to integrate operational CRM and relational CRM (marketing).

To end on a positive note, we at easiware believe that if the BtoC emailing market is mature, it is not the same for BtoB. This market is very promising. Our BtoB customers are getting organized and professionalizing their digital communication more and more. The volumetric stakes are not the same, but the number of players in the start-up phase allows us to hope for good growth in the coming years.

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