Be creative! Find a slogan for!

Badsender needs a slogan! Something that slams, a phrase that kills.

But finding the killer phrase is not a simple thing, especially alone in a corner! Creativity needs exchanges, good words and a good dose of delirium. That's why I'm calling on you to find the slogan of Badsender. The reward? ... public thanks on the site ... and especially the use of your slogan on Badsender ...

On the other hand, there are some constraints to respect:

  • use the word "emailing";
  • use the notion "Don't be evil" because on Badsender, we don't like bad emailers;
  • not to be afraid to go into derision and even self-deprecation.

(not very constraining ... these constraints ...)


slogan is a concise and striking formula that expresses an idea that a sender wants to spread or around which he wants to gather (respective functions of recruitment, recognition and rallying).

Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

Source: Wikipedia

The selection of the winning slogan? I'm not sure yet, maybe a vote, maybe a favorite of mine or a consensus in the comments.

To send me your proposals and to make a simple idea emerge, do not hesitate to use the comments of this article or Facebook.

Following Friday's newsletter, I have already received a few leads, maybe this will get you started:

  • reuse "Who's Bad" by Michael Jackson
  • "Bad enough to be nice
  • Emailing by BadSender : Don't be evil !
  • Everything comes inbox to whoever knows how to send an emailing - "Don't be evil
  • "Who doesn't know how to do an emailing, lands in junk mail...!" "Dont be evil"
  • "Don't be evil" - Emailez intelligent!
  • Do you know smart-emailing? "Don't be evil
  • "Don't be evil" - but be the emailing vigilante!

Small note on the "Don't be evil", it's the notion that counts, not the words 😉

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

13 réponses

  1. A few that I received by email:

    Routez Futé your emailings according to Saint Juste!

    The king of emailing in a world of bullies!

    Malin emailing in the time of the barbarians! (malignant = satan)

    (Pour)Let's chase the emailing demons together!

    The Customer Relationship Manager!
    The Robin Hood of emailing!

    Emailing simplified for the people!
    Emailing made accessible to its good people!

  2. Here are some ideas...

    "Routez Futé your emailings according to Saint Juste!"
    "The King of emailing in a world of bullies!"
    "Smart emailing in the time of the barbarians!"
    "(Let's) chase the emailing demons together!"
    "The Customer Relationship Vigilante!"
    "The Robin Hood of emailing!"
    "Emailing simplified for the people!"
    "Emailing made accessible to its good people!"
    "Drive less, drive better! The secrets of emailing finally revealed... "
    "Hello Johny? You want to do business and your emailing arrives in spam, No but hello what!"
    " Successful emailing: we tell you everything! "
    "Lucifer's top email marketing tips!"
    "Emailing laid bare/hair, the underside of a big business!"
    "The underbelly of emailing finally revealed!"
    "The deadly sins of email marketing finally revealed!"
    "Vade retro Satana, the roads to email marketing are paved with bad intentions!"
    "Journey to Hell: Lucifer guides you through the maze of emailing!"
    "Let him who has never sinned send me the first emailing!"
    " The Apocalypse is coming tomorrow! Protect your emailing reputation!"
    "Satanic verses from the emailing Bible revealed by Saint Jonathan!"
    "Confessions of a (apprentice-)spammer or how to screw up your emailings!"
    "How to screw up your emailings in 5 minutes flat!"
    "Go simple in the Hell of emailing, how to get blacklisted for no money!"
    "Ancestral emailing recipes: how to poison your customers quickly!"
    "Come out of the shadows! An email marketing pro shines his light on you!"
    "Abracadabra ... poof ... emailing, stop believing in tall tales!"
    "Leave the Dark Side of the Force and join the Rebel Emailing Alliance!"
    "Jonathan Skywalker opens the doors to the Rebel Emailing Alliance!"

  3. What about these?

    - Keep Calm and do better emails
    - Emailing. You nailed it.
    - Better Emails? Challenge Accepted

  4. And so we have a Cedric in great shape 😉 Thank you!

    I gladly remember: "How to screw up your emailings in 5 minutes flat!"

  5. Thanks Florent !

    I like it -> "Emailing. You nailed it."

  6. Commercial Emailing: the Best of best practices.
    Do's and don'ts for your promotional Emailings.
    Effective Emailing for Dummies.
    Smart Emailing tips, tricks and cases from the war zone.
    Mass communication via emailing has come of age.

  7. Emailing - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
    Email like Chuck Norris.
    Email like no one's watching.
    Wash your emails.

  8. Fnerff > I think "Wash your emailings" has a future!

  9. Wash your emails (with soap).
    Single white email looking for love.

  10. Badsender, the emailing without reproach
    Badsender, your mailing without fear and without reproach

    For a healthy and contagious mailing

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