Preview: Getinbox, a French 100% email campaign preview tool!


The Litmus French! How not to qualify in this way Getinbox ? Indeed, the tool developed by Sarbacane uses the principle of the American platform, i.e. to preview your emailings in different email clients and webmails.

On the other hand, the main interest of the tool is indeed that it was developed by a French company, with the presence of the main French webmails, i.e. The post office, Orange and SFR.

We also find in the platform the three American webmails most used in France, namely Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo!

On the email client side, there are several versions of Outlook (2003, 2007 and 2010), Outlook Express 6, Windows Live Mail, Windows Mail and ThunderBird.

Other email and webmail clients should be made available soon.

If Getinbox is developed by the Sarbacane teams, the tool is completely independent from the router. Indeed, it can be used from any email sending platform.

Mathieu Tarnus, Managing Director of Sarbacane Software:

"We are proud to have developed an in-house preview tool like Getinbox. Thus, we offer French ISPs that are among the most used webmails by French people. All communicators and emailing professionals who are looking for a simple tool to check the display of their email campaign content can use Getinbox."

If we are to believe some clues found on the left and right during the platform test (see below), it seems that an API and a store are planned for the future, but for the moment the links do not work.

Regarding the price, a credit system exists (1 credit = 1 test in an email or webmail client). But the price of these credits is not yet available at the time of writing this article.

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The service is scheduled to open this week

The Getinbox test

I had the opportunity to receive a preview access, and at first glance the interface is extremely well worked, everything seems to be in the right place.

The operation is simple, three options are available to test your emails:

  • Copy and paste HTML code directly into the platform;
  • Download an .eml or .html file;
  • Sending via an email address generated by the platform.

However, it seems that in this last option the email address is different each time. It is therefore impossible, as in Litmus, to permanently add the test email address in your sending platform. Probably an improvement to be expected!


A feature that I find interesting is the management of several versions in the same test. This can be useful to compare successive improvements of your campaign.

What can also be said is that the platform is very fast! In a few seconds the first results are displayed. Let's hope that this speed will not disappear when the number of users increases.

Another missing option is that it is impossible to preview modes with and without images, only one screenshot is available per email client. On the other hand, an interesting feature is the one that allows you to mark the captures as validated or problematic.

So we have an email preview platform that is still young, but full of promise. But whatever happens, Getinbox will quickly become a must-have given the lack of competition on this market in France!

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The author

5 réponses

  1. So I'm still a bit puzzled about the usefulness of this tool, it already exists, and even 100 times more powerful, with many ISPs, allowing to have the overview on different types of media (phone, tablet, etc...).
    Concerning ISPs... orange ok, laposte ok (although it's the same thing behind, so normally, if you have a bug on one, you'll have it on the other), sfr ? bof, it's not the biggest ISP in France, on the other hand it misses Free, which seems to me a shame.

    In fact I wonder why Sarbacane didn't integrate the return path tool directly into their infra? Emailvision did it, Neolane did it, yet they can more easily develop this kind of tool since they are bigger, but when there is something that exists and works, why reinvite the thread to cut the butter?

    Another thing, you say that we can upload an html file, so in your file you will not have the text part, can we still check the text part of an email?

    This is in no way a criticism on my part, just a misunderstanding, not having tested the tool, perhaps I will finally find an interest, but there as it is, I do not see.

  2. Hello Florian,

    It is clear that Free is a big absentee in the webmails presented. Just like the mobile terminals.

    After that, as for the reinvention of the butterfly thread, I'll let Sarbacane answer. I hope they've left some of it under their belts so they can iterate new versions quickly.

    As for the text version, indeed, impossible to verify (as for the switch with and without images).

    It remains to be seen what the price will be, which may be the element of differentiation.

  3. Ouch... You can't see with the image open AND closed ? um...
    I also imagine that it is the price that makes them go with an in-house solution, but then, will their tool be powerful enough to be attractive to consumers?
    I hope they will reply here, I also registered on their site to get access to the beta.
    I like their logo "use made in France" but at some point, if the made in usa is more efficient, as soon as it affects the profitability behind, I'm not quite sure that the argument made in France is admissible.

  4. Dear Florian,

    First of all, thank you for your comment which allows us to say more about Getinbox! So I will answer point by point:

    Why did you develop this tool when it already exists?
    As you know, there are dozens of email routers that all do more or less the same thing. And yet new players appear regularly!

    The field of email rendering is much more restricted and dominated by a few American players. We bring our know-how in terms of emailing, with an application in French, a support in French and even innovation and differentiation from existing tools!
    Don't you appreciate having the choice of several providers? It's the principle of competition, I'm not going to give you a lecture on economics...

    About the features:
    We are launching a beta version this week. This one has a number of features that we think are already interesting (Jonathan made a nice description). We already have a major differentiation: the Orange webmail which is the most used webmail in France. Free will be integrated very soon. We will also add Android and iPhone mobile messaging, as well as Apple Mail to quickly cover most of the available environments. Another feature already under development, the display with or without images. It's coming soon!

    On the performance, Jonathan said in his article, the captures are displayed very quickly...and we will make sure that the service is always performing.

    On the text version, we note it to integrate it into the road map, thank you!

    Why didn't we integrate Litmus or Return path?
    It would simply not be interesting, the goal is to develop a French technology in this field! Integrating a foreign technology and reselling it without adding any value to it, that doesn't interest us.

    Finally, I would like to inform you that Getinbox will be completely free and unlimited until June 16, 2013! And after June 16, free accounts will remain free with a limited number of credits. There will still be a chance to test the service for free. And our pricing will be much more flexible and affordable than what Litmus or Return Path may charge!

  5. Thank you very much for these explanations, allow me to come back to two three points.

    Concerning Orange, I was sure that RP was doing it, but it's not the case, so I admit that it's a plus for companies working on the French sector, I can't wait for the arrival of Free.

    The text part? Perfect if you add it in the road map! Even if it's one of the smallest parts of emailing today, I think it's always interesting to see the head of an email in text version. For example, I receive from time to time emails from private sales in text version (they must have screwed up on the Neolane configuration, it's already happened to me), their email in text is not clear, with an email rendering it would allow them to rectify the situation.

    The trial version until June 2013? Perfect! I'll test it out and point out any bugs if I find any 🙂

    In any case, thank you for this answer.

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