ExactTarget publishes study on engagement rates by channel and country

This study is part of a series of reports published by ExactTarget and entitled "Subscribers, fans & followers". The study attempts to highlight the behavioral differences between French consumers and English, German, Brazilian and Australian consumers.

First lesson: only 4% of French people follow the Twitter account of at least one brand, which puts them at the bottom of the ranking. On the other hand, email remains the most used medium, with 90% of the French people surveyed saying they are subscribed to at least one newsletter. At the top of the ranking, we find the Australians who are 96% to be subscribed to at least one brand newsletter.

As we can see, the emergence of new channels has not diminished the appeal of email.

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To download the study

ExactTarget is one of the world's leading email and relationship marketing companies. The company has operations in North America, Europe, Australia and Latin America. ExactTarget provides services and support to companies that want to communicate via email, mobile and social media channels.

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