This Wednesday, I went to the Time2Marketing show. Going to a trade show is an opportunity to attend conferences, to meet service providers and especially to discuss with some personalities.
But before telling you about all this, let's start with a general opinion about the event. I didn't have the opportunity to go to the last two editions (which took place in 2012 in Paris and Lyon), so it is difficult for me to make a comparison. But we can remember that it is a "small" show, which brings together quite a few players in the emailing industry. If we put them all together (routers, agencies, data providers, ...) we can count only a few dozen.
Conferences : Keynot Big Data
I will only be able to report on one of them, as it is the only one I had the opportunity to attend. This conference is the keynote on the subject of Big Data, with a nice bunch of guests (Mobiletag, Talend, Coheris, SFR, Tag Commander, Microsoft, ...) very interesting to listen to ... However, nothing new under the sun, as often on the subject, it is mainly the collection, storage, transformation of data that was discussed and very little of the practical aspects of the implementation of actions using these data.
On the other hand, we can feel that there is a certain level of maturity (at least among the major accounts and agencies) that is emerging. It seems that the different actors have gone beyond the stage of experimentation to move to the effective implementation of these strategies. However, we are still far, at least in France, from an industrialization phase!
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The exhibitors
I had the opportunity to talk with different exhibitors at the show. Most of them still seem to suffer from a decrease in marketing investments from advertisers... let's hope that these worries are soon behind them.
As is often the case in this type of event, the actors gravitating in the world of emailing are rather poorly represented compared to the rest of the exhibitors.
The meetings
Three very interesting meetings during this day:
- Didier Colombani - Regional Director SEMEA & Benelux at Return Path: A very interesting discussion of more than an hour which will be the subject of a separate article as soon as I have had time to transcribe my notes.
- Charles Boone - Wefficient/Snipemail: Although we have been exchanging on social networks for more than three years, I had not yet had the opportunity to meet him. It's now done!
- Vincent Martinet - Simplemail/Stamplia : Vincent is one of the most innovative entrepreneurs in the French emailing world. We will soon find him on Badsender with an interview (so I can put some pressure on him).
Can't wait for the next event ... which in fact is taking place next week with ExactTarget and ReturnPath !
5 réponses
Yes it was indeed a very interesting meeting. Cool to put a face on a twitter/blog/society that we follow for so long.
There is a typo in the name Snipemail 😉
Charles > Thanks! It's corrected.
Uh, "small show" with 125 booths and 300 speakers + a live stream seen by 25 000 people over 36h for the first time in France ... I preferred to focus on content and not just on SEO editors, this is not the main axis of Web3 but one of them. I don't like mass shows anymore where everyone says the same thing, it only satisfies the web 0 when we have everything advanced now. Glad you liked it more anyway. It doubled this year and will double again every year.
Hello Franck,
I knew I might get some comments on the "small" 😉 But as you imply, the surface does not make the quality of the interventions nor the audience!
Good luck for the next editions!
if the term "small" is not allocated to quality (i agree with that), i don't understand the meaning of the word "small" since the show was bigger than any other emarketing or web3 show. Hence my legitimate remark. anyway, 300 editors seems big on a V2 and shows the potential of evolution of this show. we will see, I hope, on the V2 of Lyon in Nov 2013. Have a nice day