10 tips for optimizing the subject line of your emailings!

In email marketing, every opening is a victory ... but there are many more defeats than victories. We can't say that email subject lines are the number one priority for marketers. However, it is not uncommon to meet emailing specialists who estimate the impact of the subject line on campaign results at 50%.

And paradoxically, creating a subject line is probably the fastest act in the process of creating an email campaign. If we go back to 50%'s idea of impact on performance ... we end up with a glaring imbalance!

The object line is therefore often neglected ... by ignorance!

The most used technique to optimize an object line is the AB test. This AB test is used by many marketers ... but often without any theoretical basis! However, if you don't want to end up choosing between 23.5% of opening and 24.1% (which won't optimize much) during your AB tests, there are some tips to put into practice.

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How to optimize the subject line of your emailings?

  1. Think of your subject lines as the first step in your campaign briefing.
  2. AB test: if your potential is sufficient, create at least 4 different subject lines.
  3. AB test: create real differences between versions. Ask several people for suggestions.
  4. AB testing: document the AB tests you perform in order to keep a history of them.
  5. Surprise creates action! Don't underestimate the effect of change in your subject lines.
  6. Use the data you have on your customers. For example, geographic data can be a great source of creativity.
  7. Think "call to action": Opening an email is an action just like clicking a button. Think about it!
  8. Be honest: Don't disappoint your recipients with a subject line that is too catchy for the content of your emails.
  9. Go beyond the opening rate: The opening rate of an email is not the most reliable data! Think about measuring performance on the click rate or conversion rate.
  10. Use urgency: But not all the time, otherwise your subscribers might get bored and stop believing you.

Bonus: Consider reading this article by my former colleague Florent Diverchy: "Email subject lines: the Motivational Segmentation way

Photo credit: Daniel R. Blume - Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic

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One Response

  1. Thank you for the article with which I completely agree:
    - No or little opening ==> mail title
    - No or few clicks ==> html model

    it's not 100% just because other more technical elements may come into play so be careful.

    and please, even if it works, don't put the words around to win items 😉

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