Badsender of the week: Don't know what CNG stands for? Too bad!

CNG, but what is this thing? You don't know? Well, neither do I... and the Fiat newsletter is not going to tell us more. CNG stands for "Compressed natural gas" or GNV in French (gaz naturel pour véhicules). But that's not the point, if you want to know more, you can always read theWikipedia article on the subject.

No, what interests us is the missed opportunity by Fiat Belgium. The opportunity to educate its subscribers and push value-added content. At no time in the email is the acronym explained. However, in its construction, the email takes care to mention many advantages of the CNG.

This kind of email would benefit from being part of a series of two or three scripted emails. Emails explaining the principle of CNG, with storytelling (quote from a brand engineer), with a history of the development of the technology, ... and finally, detailing the benefits for the consumer. In short, a missed opportunity!

For the rest, email multiplies bad practices with a score of only 1.5/8 (see the checklist). To name a few:

Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

  • The only links used for lead generation are at the bottom of the email. The other call-to-actions lead to a mini info site (without lead generation) and worse, to a PDF brochure.
  • Without the images, the email is hard to understand ... fortunately the ALT Tags are not too bad.
  • The unsubscribe link is placed only on the word "here" of "click here".
  • There is no text version.
  • No link to the Fiat homepage.
  • A header image that is much too high.
  • ... and more!

Identity card

Generic email information:

  • Subject of the email The widest CNG range on the market
  • From : Fiat
  • Preheader If you can't see this email correctly, click here.
  • Emailing platform : eCircle

Checklist :

  • Link to privacy : KO
  • Link to unsubscribe : Bof
  • DKIM : KO (bad format)
  • Text version : KO
  • Text to Image Ratio : OK
  • List-unsubscribe : KO
  • Friendly reply : KO
  • Mobile ready : KO

Screenshot of the email


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Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

2 réponses

  1. When I think that I'm struggling to change box and that there are big companies like fiat that are not able to do clean emailing... hopeless 😀
    Anyway nice analysis, thanks 🙂

    Can you tell us more about the sending IP? Is it dedicated or shared? (I would put my hand to cut that it is shared and if so, bad point for e-circle at the level of dkim)

  2. Hey,

    It is indeed a shared service, and if I believe there are at least 23 other senders who use it, including things that seem to be acquisition ... not very clean!

    And I won't even tell you the face of the SPF recording...

    There is work to do!

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