Today, there is no independent event dedicated to 100% and emailing in France! Based on this observation, Régis Bacher (director of Click and Site) has decided to change things by organizing a day dedicated exclusively to email marketing on November 28.
The email marketing day!
Several personalities of the emailing have already announced that they will be present: Bruno Florence, Bruno Fridlansky, Guillaume Fleureau, Jean-Philippe Baert, Jonhattan da Luz, Armand Thiberge, ... and Badsender will also be there!
In search of sponsors
For an event like this to be possible, it obviously needs the help of sponsors. Several companies from the emailing world have already decided to join the event. This is the case of Inxmail, The B2B Megabase, ExactTarget, Mailinblue and Happy mails. If you want to help this event by becoming a sponsor, do not hesitate to contact Régis.
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In practice
When: November 28, 2013
Where: Palais de la Musique et des Congrès - Place de Bordeaux, Strasbourg