New Year's greetings examples: Selection of the best emailings

Happy New Year! "You've probably received this message many times by email. It's undoubtedly one of the most popular ways for brands to communicate with their subscribers.

Why should we? Because New Year's emails are an opportunity to write an emailing with a different, less commercial tone... but what benefits do your subscribers derive from an institutional Happy New Year message? Will broadcasting such a message, or not, have a real impact on your organization?

Greeting emails aren't always successful, and sometimes they're frankly in bad taste, but I've spared you those.

Examples of new year's greeting emails

Greetings and gifts with the Danone and You team

Oscar, start the year with a chance to win every day!

Email Danone and You

A communication focused on engagement with the launch of a contest to start the year.

New Year's surprises for Le Club Accor hotels

Good news for a GOOD YEAR!

Email Accor Hotels

Here Accord Hotel opens the door to surprises while remaining mysterious about the events to come in the new year.

A good year for Yves Rocher

Happy New Year! 5€ discount and FREE delivery of your package

Email Yves Rocher

A emailing elegant and sober, with a strong emphasis on visuals, even if typographic. A good year starts with a discount.

Storytelling and good resolutions for the Palais des Thés

Very nice and happy year 2014!

Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

Email Palais des thés

Greetings are an opportunity to unfold your storytelling and get closer to your subscribers. An editorial team from newsletter trying to align service or product promises with good resolutions.

3 SUISSES invites its subscribers to express their wishes


Email 3suisses

What better way to generate engagement than to give a voice to your subscribers? Here we avoid impersonal wishes by inviting subscribers to formulate them themselves.

A new year under the sign of emotion with Nikon France

Our best wishes for 2014

Email Nikon

To finish this selection, an inspirational and emotional new year's greeting email. A selection of visuals (photos for Nikon) in which everyone can find themselves.

New year, new email communication?

It's time to be creative and to think outside the box. It's up to you to invent and find content that is adapted to your readers. Don't hesitate to surprise them. Generate a reaction, an emotion and above all stand out from the crowd. Because yes you will not be the only one to send your wishes during this period!

There could also be the more solemn formats such as the "President/Founder's Greetings" which are a more editorial spin. A reminder of the company's commitments and mission. A behind-the-scenes look at the people who work daily to ensure customer satisfaction and the success of your company.

Some tips for a successful greeting email

  • Don't neglect the sender, the subject line and the pre-header.
  • Choose the right timing, there are a lot of requests during this period.
  • Pay attention to spelling, again and again.
  • Design, don't miss out on accessibility! A beautiful visual yes, with text in image you are sure?
  • Know how to differentiate yourself without losing yourself. Sincerity and authenticity.
  • You have nothing to say? Communicate to exist" is over, sobriety is in. No one will hold it against you for not having done a greeting campaign.

As you can see, even if the exercise seems simple, even banal and recurrent, it is no less delicate. Whether it is for find the right strategy, the right tone and write your greeting email or to challenge the graphic creation in design, do not hesitate to contact us.

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

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