Short deliverability : Vade Retro integrates Return Path's white lists and black lists in its tools

Return Path Anti-phishing Solution

Via a press releaseToday, we learned that Vade Retro has signed a partnership with Return Path. With this partnership, Vade Retro integrates the " Trusted Cooperative Network " of Return Path, which will allow them to exchange data related to deliverability.

From the press release:

"In order to sustainably improve the email experience of its ISP partners and customers, Vade Retro will directly integrate Return Path's certified white list and RNBL (Reputation Network BlackList) into its email filtering solution, which already protects 150 million mailboxes worldwide and 90% of all email accounts in France. Return Path will integrate the data compiled by Vade Retro on email threats and spam into its various expert solutions, deployed on more than 2.5 million email boxes, or nearly 70% of email boxes worldwide. In addition, Vade Retro will join the Global Trap Exchange program. Sponsored by ETIS (The Global IT Association for Telecommunications), this program facilitates the sharing of data across a vast network of global email operators to accelerate the detection of spam and other common abusive practices that target email."

In practice, this means that the filtering and categorization performed by Vade Retro will be able to benefit from the numerous data owned by Return Path. When you know that Vade Retro is present in all the major French email companies, this is not insignificant.

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However, this does not necessarily mean that Return Path's whitelisting will have an immediate impact on French ISPs. As we saw in theinterview with Vade Retro conducted by Badsender a few months ago, the operators keep a large part of the filtering rules in their hands. I will try to find out more soon from the main stakeholders.

Another important information is the entry of Vade Retro in the "Global Trap Exchange" program. Spamtraps continue to have a major influence in the rules of deliverability, and this is not going to change tomorrow.

Finally, but this is the least obvious part of this press release, Return Path will be able to use a certain amount of data generated by Vade Retro. However, it is not certain that this will benefit the "marketing" tools offered by Return Path... time will tell.

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4 réponses

  1. Hello Jonathan,
    Thank you for relaying the information. For more information, Vade retro and Return Path will be present from January 20th to 21st at the FIC.

    Have a nice day.

  2. Thank you for your message Dimitri.

    The question everyone has about this partnership: "Will PR whitelists impact VR filtering?

    Do you have any answers to give us?

    See you soon,

  3. "deployed on more than 2.5 million email boxes, representing nearly 70% of email boxes worldwide"
    um something tells me that there are more than 2.5 million mailboxes in the world...

    Very good article as always.
    Thank you

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