Question to Laurent Garnier : Information about spamtraps ... won't it help spammers ?


As part of its white paper on deliverabilityBadsender asked 10 questions to French specialists of deliverability. Today, you will find the question that was asked to Laurent GarnierDirector of Deliverability Expertise at NP6.

What are the reasons why Webmails (like Hotmail) or ISPs (like recently Orange) publish the number of spamtraps affected by an IP address? Doesn't this help spammers to be more efficient?

Microsoft via SNDS and Orange via Signal Spam indicate the number of spamtraps solicited by an IP address over a period of 24 hours. This information is reserved to the owner or user of the IP address. It is accessible for Microsoft from their postmaster site ( and via a membership to the Signal Spam association for Orange (

Spamtraps are abandoned accounts that by this status no longer solicit communications. They are deliberately maintained by operators, which allows them to judge the quality of a message and to take this information into account in their filtering process.

An advertiser who collects email data properly (double opt-in, informed consent, etc.) and knows how to maintain it (purging inactive people over the long term, measuring appetence, etc.) should not encounter many spamtraps. Like feedback loops, having this information allows the advertiser to judge the health of its database and to act accordingly as soon as the first spamtraps appear. It is in this perspective that this information is made available by some operators, and as it is, it is of no interest to spammers who are most often at the opposite end of the spectrum of good database collection and management practices.

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Obviously, the identity of the spamtrap is not disclosed. And even if this information could be useful to a good practice advertiser, Microsoft and Orange would not communicate it because it would be too powerful if it was exploited by spammers.

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