Deliverability infographic: Differences between spam filters in France and the US

Here's an infographic that answers a lot of questions from email marketers? There are so many legends when it comes to the email deliverabilityIt's always interesting to see summaries appearing left and right. This time, it's Cabestan's turn.

In this infographic, you can see several French and American ISPs (Orange, SFR, Laposte, Free, Gmail, and Yahoo!) compared according to 7 deliverability characteristics (feedback loops, List-Unsub, IP filters, domain filters, content filters, behavioral filtering and postmaster service).

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The infographic


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2 réponses

  1. Hello, regarding Postmaster tools, I see that there are some on all ISPs. Does this mean that there are equivalents of google postmaster tools for other ISPs that give access to as much information (IP reputation and domains, complaints...)?

  2. Hello Bastien,

    Unfortunately not, it just means that there is at least one service that is delivered by the abuse/postmaster cell of the ISP/Webmail. For France for example, this is usually limited to a contact point that allows you to exchange with the ISP. Except for Laposte which has a FAQ and various other services.

    Regarding the reputation information, in the webmails mentioned, it only exists for Gmail, and AOL.

    See you soon,


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