Update of Badsender's deliverability monitoring offer!


Deliverability monitoring has become a must for any advertiser wishing to maintain (or improve) email performance. For over a year now, we've been partnering with 250OK, which offers a technical platform for monitoring and fine-tuning email deliverability. This solution complements the work carried out by our Badsender deliverability experts. If you would like to know more about our offer :

Discover the deliverability monitoring offer of Badsender

What's new in our deliverability monitoring solution


Several new webmails and ISPs have been added to the delivery analysis solution via Seedlists but nothing new for France (we still find Free, LaPoste, SFR, Orange and Alice). On the other hand, Skynet has been added for the Belgian market and Bluewin for Switzerland.

DMARC Monitoring

Monitoring DMARC returns was previously included in the Reputation Analysis module, but is now a separate, independent module. This dashboard enables fine-grained detection of e-mail traffic using your domain name as the sender, but without proper authentication. The aim is not only to combat potential phishing problems, but also to detect misconfigured mail servers in your infrastructure.

Email performance analysis


The biggest update has been done on the email marketing performance analysis part. It may still seem strange to put this functionality next to the deliverability monitoring, but it is a key part of it. The opening rate is for example one of the most efficient indicators to detect an incident. An opening rate that collapses on Gmail while the other destinations remain close to the average on the same campaign clearly indicates a problem. In the same way, the work on inactives is crucial in deliverability.

Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

As a reminder, this performance analysis tool is based on external tracking of your routing solutions via the addition of a tracer in all emails sent.

Here are the new features

  • Easy creation and export of segments using any combination of filters (campaign, destination domain, platform, device, email client, region, city, time zone, gender, age, ...)
  • Verification of the potential to open an email or on the contrary to disengage
  • Creation of custom parameters to enrich segmentation
  • Creation of an audience explorer to create reactivation and re-engagement lists
  • Simplified comparison of results up to 3 campaigns

Do not hesitate to contact us if you want more information on these topics.

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

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