2016 emailing performance barometer in France, by industry

It's here! Every year, it's a study we look forward to. With the changes at Experian - or should we say Cheetah Digital now? emailing performance barometer was to be released this year.

Remember that this is one of the few complete barometer of emailing performance in France. It is based on data from Cheetah Digital's key account clients, i.e. 1300 companies and approximately 17 billion emails sent in France, Spain and Germany in 2016. It is important to note, however, that in any barometer, there are significant biases. Here we are talking about large accounts, therefore not comparable to any company, and then we are talking about averages by sector, and we know that classifying by sector is not always obvious. Finally, depending on the choices made by Cheetah Digital in 2016, clients may have been selected (or excluded) based on the quality of their data. This is nonetheless a very good source of information.

But let's focus on the results, we will only focus on France.

If we compare the results of the emailing benchmark to those of last yearThe average number of openers has increased by one point, which is remarkable. Paradoxically, the clickers are decreasing, which is felt in the average reactivity rate which loses about 1.5 points. The unsubscribe rate is almost unchanged and remains low (normal for clients of this type of routing platform), the bounce rate is slightly down.

A short methodological note on rates, to be able to compare what is comparable:

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  • NPAI = Number of unsuccessful emails / Number of emails sent
  • Openers = Number of unique opens / Number of successful emails
  • Opens = Total number of opens / Number of completed emails
  • Clickers = Number of unique clicks / Number of successful emails
  • Unsubscribers = Number of unsubscribers / Number of completed emails
  • Responsiveness = Number of unique clickers / Number of unique openers

If we now look at the results of the emailing benchmark by sector, we can see that banking is the champion of the opening rate and luxury of the click rate, results similar to those of last year. They are both in progression.

At the bottom of the ranking, we find the Pure Player/VAD, just like last year. It should also be noted that the press and public markets are also up on last year.

To download the study, click here

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