The evolution of the email marketer's job

Selligent Reconnect 2018 took place recently. During this event, a new articial intelligence module was presented. This one will probably initiate the revolution of the marketer's job...

The job of a marketer today is to manage different actors (creative, production, ... ) in order to deliver the message he wants to the customers. Another part of his work consists in building his message, as well in the content as in the form, as in optimizing the way this message is diffused: various channels, hours and days of sendings, ...
Let's take this last point as an example: the optimization of the sending day. In recent years, this is an element that has become increasingly important in order to improve results. It is therefore a question of determining the best day to send the message in order to optimize the opening and/or click rate.
Selligent will now offer an artificial intelligence module to automate this part and also to do it better than when it is handled by a human. Because when it comes to analysis work that consists of averaging results and getting the best of them in a systematic way, an automaton will be able to do it faster and with fewer errors.

For the moment, the "traditional" method is more or less as follows; if we want to determine the best day of sending to optimize its openings, that it was previously made a series of tests on the various days of the week and that the averages of opening rates are the following:

Monday: 10%
Tuesday: 12%
Wednesday: 11%
Thursday: 15%
Friday: 20%
Saturday: 16%
Sunday: 14%

We will validate Thursday as the best day, since it maximizes the opening rate. However, it only maximizes the openings for 20% of the population. For a human, it would be too tedious to study the optimal opening day per user, but for an artificial intelligence and with the current technology, it is quite possible, and it is thus possible to spread the sending of a campaign over a week by sending on the best possible day per user based on previous statistics. All this in an automated way, of course.

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Beyond the improvement that this will bring in terms of results, it also means that the time that was previously spent by the marketer to compile the results of different mailings and to determine the best day to send can now be allocated elsewhere by automating the operation (which will be done in a more efficient way). This means that the marketer's role as analyst and operator can be shifted to a more strategic one, by planning a number of campaigns, managing the marketing pressure of the different mailings, imagining scenarios, etc.

In the example above, it is about optimizing the day of sending, but the possibilities offered by technology would allow us to consider a fully automated newsletter that would fetch its content in places provided for this purpose (product catalog, blog article, ...).
Here again, the time freed up for the marketer (as well as the budget and time of any other teams) can be devoted to other projects and used to evolve the marketing vision of its operation!
And while Selligent is one of the most successful routers in my opinion, it is far from the only one to offer such automation solutions.

Of course, this is something that requires a certain maturity in terms of marketing. You must first have a certain number of actions that "work" (sending newsletters, promotional actions, ...) before you can automate them. But if you are at this stage, then it would be interesting to consider going to the next step!

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

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