News: Dolist and Emailstrategy announce the merger of the two companies

It's not every day that the French email marketing and eCRM market sees a rapprochement between its players. However, this is what Dolist and Emailstrategy who are merging and will use the Dolist brand for the marketing of their solutions in the future. Both players have been historically present on the market of email marketing campaign management solutions for about fifteen years, mainly in France.

In a few figures, Dolist and Emailstrategie together represent 800 customers, 7.5 million euros in turnover, and 75 employees.

"With this level of specialization of skills and the pooling of our different know-how, we now have
the control needed to meet data security challenges while offering great flexibility in using our platforms to the 800 user companies." - quote from Denis Olivier, co-founder of Dolist, from the press release.

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Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

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One Response

  1. and since, we no longer receive their emails to sell optin email lists to which we never subscribed: a real happiness this merger! byebye emailstrategie: thank you dolist to have made the household!

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