Verizon (Yahoo, AOL, ...) launches a data feed to monitor your deliverability!

If you follow your email deliverabilityyou may have access to the data offered by Google Postmaster Tools and Microsoft SNDS (without counting the data proposed by Signal Spam for the French ISPs). From Verizon Media (which now includes the deliverability infrastructures of Yahoo!, AOL and Verizon)Unfortunately, there wasn't much in the way of deliverability monitoring. One year after launching their postmaster page Verizon Media is now moving forward in earnest on the subject.

In a announcement made on the postmaster blog On February 18, 2018, Verizon Media announced the creation of two data streams for trusted senders (trusted senders). Before going into the details of the information that will be contained in these feeds, let's go back to the argument that they develop.

Why offer data to trusted senders

If Yahoo! (yes, I'm sorry, we'll talk about Yahoo in the rest of this article, in the end, in France, it's mainly the deliverability to Yahoo that interests us) wants to offer additional data for senders, it is first and foremost to improve the quality of the experience of its end users. The goal for them is to offer data that will allow senders to improve the quality of their shipments.

In the article published on their blog, they come back to the low quality and privacy issues that can be generated by the deliverability and performance measurement tools currently used. They also quote an article published by 250ok on this subject (250ok is the solution used by Badsender in its deliverability monitoring offer(please contact us if you want a demo).

This is why we are announcing new email deliverability and performance feeds to help ensure reputable senders can get the trustworthy, aggregated insights they need to continue improving their emails but in a way that first and foremost protects our users. No more skirting privacy guidelines and embedding trackers just to end up with unreliable data. Our solution provides meaningful and actionable metrics while still keeping our users safe and their data protected.

Which can be translated as : "That's why we're announcing new email deliverability and performance feeds to ensure that honorable senders can receive the reliable aggregate information they need to continue improving their emails, but in a way that protects our users. No more circumventing privacy guidelines and integrating trackers just to end up with untrusted data. Our solution provides metrics that make sense and are actionable, while keeping our users safe and their data protected."

One can also wonder if the logical continuation of this approach is not the progressive deactivation of tracking possibilities in emails, whether it is on the side of transparent pixels or tracking links. One can also legitimately wonder if this is not the end of "identified" feedbackloops. To be continued.

What data will be available in these streams?

Yahoo! describes the information presented in these feeds on a dedicated page on their Postmaster site. Here is what we can conclude.

Inbox placement flow

The name of this feed alone is a small revolution! Yes, you guessed it, Yahoo! will allow you to know if your emails arrive in spam or inbox without going through solutions using Seedlists like 250ok. But first let's see what data is going to go up in this stream.

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Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

  • inbox_delivers : Volume of emails delivered to inbox
  • spam_delivers : Volume of emails delivered to spam boxes
  • folder_delivers : Volume of emails delivered in another folder
  • error_delivers : Number of emails in error
  • complaints : Volume of complaints

This information will be delivered every hour with a granularity on the combination of sending domain and sending ip address.

Campaign Performance Feed

And then it's a shock! Not only do we find the performance indicators that we are used to finding in our campaign management tools (openings, clicks...)but there are others that are often only available through specific tracking tools (such as those offered by 250ok, Email on acid or Litmus).

Let's see what all these indicators are:

  • delivered : Number of delivered messages
  • opened : Number of opened messages
  • link_clicked : Number of messages in which a user has clicked on a link
  • deleted: Number of deleted messages
  • marked_read : Number of messages marked as read by the client
  • forwarded: Number of messages transferred by the user
  • starred: Number of messages marked as "starred (I don't know how to say in French )
  • archived : Number of archived messages
  • moved: Number of messages moved to another folder
  • push_notif_opened : Number of messages for which a push notification has been opened
  • replied : Number of messages replied by the user
  • marked_spam : Number of messages marked as spam
  • dwell_time_read : Number of messages read for more than 8 seconds
  • dwell_time_glance : Number of messages " seen ", i.e. opened during less than 3 seconds
  • dwell_time_skim : Number of messages browsed, i.e. opened between 3 and 8 seconds

Impressive, isn't it? By the way, this gives a small overview of all the behavioral indicators that can be used by US webmails to define the level of reputation of an email sender.

These statistics will be sent daily with an hourly "granularity". At the granularity level, it appears that senders will be able to define several parameters that will allow them to categorize these statistics:

  • declared_template_namespace : Namespace of the template ID declared by the email sender
  • declared_template_id : ID of the template declared by the sender of the email
  • declared_template_goal : Category of the email campaign as declared by the sender (Retargeting / Newsletter / etc)
  • sender_domain : Domain of the platform sending the email. The sender_domain is only available when a template is declared.
  • sender_email : Email address of the sender

It remains to be verified how the "declared_template_id" and "declared-template_goal" will work in order to know if we will be able to strictly identify the performance of a campaign. It seems obvious that Yahoo! will not except an identification directly at the user level for a given campaign. Since the objective is to protect the privacy of its users, this type of misuse will probably be sanctioned.

In practice, how to access?

At the time of writing, you have to contact Verizon Media if you are interested in these feeds. So there is no automatic process to receive this information yet. The opening of the service will probably be done gradually.

If you wish to be accompanied by Badsender in order to appropriate this new opportunity to know more about the performance of your emails or your placement in inbox, do not hesitate to contact us !

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

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