A 16ème tool has just been introduced in the benchmark of Badsender. Scal-e has been in existence since 2007. For those who remember, Scal-e is formerly the company ID Contact.
Today, Scal-e is clearly positioned on the market of the CDP (Customer Data Platform). This is the 1ster publisher to obtain the label CDP Institute with 30 other publishers worldwide.
Scal-e addresses all types of needs and sectors of activity but the company is very comfortable when their clients' initial needs revolve around data and multi-stream data reconciliation. Scal-e is able to reconcile the different devices used by an individual and also the different media used within the same household. Scal-e's DNA is data. Moreover, for the team, email is a communication channel like any other, no more, no less. Scal-e also manages SMS, wallet, loyalty programs, sponsorship programs, print, fax, display and social networks.
After nearly 4 hours of demo, here is an overview of the main main differentiating points of the tool:
- Data processing This is clearly Scal-e's strong point. The teams are able to create a unique customer repository from unstructured raw data sent by the advertiser. There is no imposed file format. They take care of transforming the raw data into customer information that can be used directly by marketers. They set up the flows and the import rules, the priority management rules (depending for example on the reliability of the sources). Scal-e then reconciles the flows between them. The user is also autonomous in the priority rules between sources.
In Scal-e, we don't talk about a multi-dimensional model. We do not define a primary key. There is no key at table level. The reconciliation key is not limited to the email address. We can define as many keys as necessary. - Managing a loyalty program They are not many to have a specific module on this. Scal-e is able to send loyalty offers and rewards based on purchases made but also on openings, clicks of marketing campaigns, filled forms, declared customer information... The idea is to reward on engagement and not only on transactional value. And, of course, Scal-e will not hesitate to reconcile loyalty cards from the same household, to determine the loyalty cards per family member or to know if the contact has more than 2 loyalty cards.
- Multi-regulatory management Scal-e provides features that guide marketers in RGPD compliance but also CAN SPAM and CASL. For example: data anonymization, right to portability or deletion of contacts (and all related data) can be done in a few clicks by a DPO profile (Data Protection Officer).
- A module for calculating aggregates and scores in autonomy
- Data visualization and distribution Scal-e is able to output and share a view of the database with sales teams, hotline teams, or after-sales service teams. These teams can easily modify a customer information following a phone call. This information is automatically updated in the main database, transformed into marketing information and directly available for targeting marketing campaigns.
Do you need a consultant to help you choose your future solution?
We have therefore added a 16ème column to our evaluation grid composed of 150 criteria divided into 9 main categories. categories. As a reminder: General information + business model business model, rights management, data model, segmentation engine, campaign segmentation engine, campaign activation, content publishing, customer journey customer journey scripting, deliverability, reporting.
If you wish to obtain this analysis grid and have access to the detailed data, do not hesitate to do not hesitate to contact us.
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We have also updated our updated our white paper accordingly! To download it download it, it's here.
Finally, we offer 3 types of support to select the campaign management tool that fits your needs and your needs and your organization, it is with pleasure that we will share with you to share our knowledge with you!
Need to be accompanied in your choice of tool?
Photo by Victor Barrios on Unsplash