Validity acquires 250ok deliverability monitoring solution and joins Return Path!

The series continues! The American company Validity, which in 2 years has acquired Return Path and BriteVerify, has just announced the acquisition of the deliverability monitoring solution 250ok.

The readers of Badsender know 250ok well as we are partners and use their solution for our deliverability services.

With this acquisition, Validity becomes the undisputed leader in service platforms revolving around deliverability issues. Inbox placement analysis, spam trap monitoring, DMARC monitoring, email sender certification, email database quality management... it's all here.

Our combined analytics platform, email expertise, and reach across the broadest set of email service providers brings enormous value to marketers across the world.

Mark Briggs, Chairman and CEO of Validity

Upon discovering this information, one obviously wonders, in the long run, what Validity's strategy will be with respect to similar tools that can be found at both 250ok and Return Path. But only time will tell!

We will leave the final word to the founder of 250ok:

Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

For these last several years, we have been working hard to stand out in this crowded market by creating the best products for email marketers everywhere. When I first met Mark Briggs, Validity's CEO, I knew there was an opportunity to have a new conversation about the email industry and where it should be headed. Now as part of Validity, together we can drive innovation and excellence for everyone in the email ecosystem.

Greg Kraios, 250ok founder and CEO

To learn more, please read the press release from Validity.

If you want a demo of 250ok, please feel free to contact us.

Photo by Samuele Errico Piccarini on Unsplash

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