Deliverability training : Discover the video of the 1st lesson (out of 16) of our distance learning course

As you may know, we have launched our remote emailing training a few weeks ago.

On this occasion, we suggest you watch the introductory lesson of our module on deliverability. Just like that, for free, just for you 😉

On the menu of this introduction to email deliverability:

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  • Putting the fight against spam in context
  • Impacts on "honest marketers
  • Definitions of various key concepts in deliverability
  • A little reminder of the history of spam
  • Description of what is a botnet, a phishing attack and a graymail
  • A view on the responsibilities of each in the proper delivery of an email.

At the end of this deliverability training, our trainees are able to :

  • Anticipate the technical and marketing aspects that will allow you to obtain a controlled email deliverability
  • Identify a setup problem on your routing environment
  • Optimize your routing strategy
  • Measure the performance of your campaigns
  • Understand the specificities of the different Anti-Spam filters set up by Webmails and ISPs
  • Track and monitor the deliverability of your email campaigns
  • Know how to detect and resolve a deliverability incident.

Good viewing 😉

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

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