A few weeks ago, I discovered a new tool: Custocentrix.
Custocentrix exists since June 2019. It is a Belgian tool for merchants/retailers with a physical sales network (stores).
The main objective of Custocentrix is to achieve identify each to communicate with them (by email, SMS...and even via samples!) in a personalized way like e-tailers can do. The idea is to make them come back as often as possible in the stores in order to provoke the re-purchase.
To understand the interest, let's go back to the origins of Custocentrix.
At the origin of Custocentrix, there is a consumer base: Freedelity
At the origin of Custocentrix, there is a large consumer base called Freedelity. Freedelity gathers about 10 big Belgian brands (toy stores, as well as food stores ....).
The principle is simple for the consumer The customer registers via a terminal available in the stores by scanning his ID card to register. His loyalty cards are dematerialized, collected in a mobile application Myfreedelity via which he can consult his loyalty points according to the stores where he goes.
The benefit to brands Each brand entering the Freedelity database benefits from the updated data of the other brands.
Example: a customer updates his data at store A, then store B benefits from the updated data. The ID is not linked to the email address as in many routing tools, it is a Freedelity ID which is based on data linked to the identity card and which never changes.
Freedelity now has over 6 million consumers, which represents a penetration rate of 64% of the Belgian adult population!
Custocentrix defines itself as a CDP
Custo Centrix is defined as a CDP (Customer Data Platform) (if you want to refresh your memory on the big differences between CRM, CDP, DMP, Marketing Automation, Cloud Marketing.... It's over here).
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I had the chance to attend a demonstration of the tool. I was pleasantly surprised by :
- the level of detail of the statistics and the visualization of the stats : the share of customers who became active in the last X days, the turnover, the average basket, the types of products purchased... all these stats broken down by week, by store and globally for the brand, RFM status, consumer preferences, purchasing habits... enough to make quick decisions!
- distributed marketing is now well mastered!
- geomarketing The possibility of knowing the catchment areas of a point of sale with the visualization of the penetration rate compared to the total population of the area (from IRIS type data)
- Synchronization with the cash management tool At the checkout, the hostess receives an alert to know if she should offer the sample of the new product of the month. The alert is triggered according to the customer's shopping preferences.
Custocentrix has its own modules to create and send emails and SMS. There is also the possibility of plugging to a routing tool.
Custo Centrix is not (yet?) in our benchmark on marketing campaign management tools but if you want to know more about them, don't hesitate to contact me!