If you have Twitter, then it is certain that you follow our beloved CEO, Jonathan Loriaux, and you will have already seen his tweet that challenges Michel & Augustin:
PS: And if it is not the case, I will gives the order invites you to follow him, it's here : https://twitter.com/jloriaux.
I'm not going to introduce you to Michel & Augustin, I think that on the already busy market of cookies and other delicacies, they have managed to make a name for themselves.
A few days ago, we received on our yesreply address (no noreply here, let's stay positive) a campaign from them, full of chocolate, cookies andan editorial line strong. And Fabien can attest: cookies are my reason for living... after coffee! So I didn't hesitate to open the news.
It goes bim-bam-boom
First impression: the design matches 100% to the brand, impossible to deny. Well... when the images are activated. Because the childish font and the positioning atypical elements have a very important place in the style of the email, so much so that it was made in full image.
As you know, we're not a fan of image-only emails, especially when there's so much text. Not to mention the fact that the alt is only slightly or poorly informed; for example, the alt on the intro text is "intro text"... we've seen more efficient. With some layout adjustments, almost all content could be integrated in HTMLwhile respecting the charter because nobody puts the charter in a corner !
A little @font-face to call the police and that's it. I can already hear the integrators crying foul, woooh sweet jewel. You can choose the method that suits you best and to help you, it's here : The Ultimate Guide to Web Fonts. Who do we thank?
So, as far as rendering without images is concerned, it's light... very very light (not like the cookies, but we're getting lost).
A lot of wording
After this little mishap, let's lean like good fairies on the cradle of the editorial staff. And here, I say yes! I'm all emotional, it must be the rhymes.
The storytelling has the wind in its sails and the brand has understood this. Each paragraph is well highlighted, with a catchy title, its little pun or an original turn of phrase. Let's keep in mind that this is their usual tone, that it is not a question of trend for the brand, we applaud the mastery.
Need help?
Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.
And finally it's a pshiiiit
Because despite my love for cookies, I have to remain impartial, and the last point of my analysis is crucial to decide if this newsletter joins the list of badsenders. It is all too often on this step that senders break their teeth: targeting!
Even though I enjoyed reading the Michel & Augustin email, so much so that I had to bake cookies last weekend, the news is not meant for B2B. I would love to know their thinking behind routing emails that are clearly aimed at individuals to business addresses (if there is one...).
Moreover, we should note that the address on which we received the campaign is never the one with which we subscribe to the newsletters.
And it is the fall, so close to the goal!
PS: we will accompany you whenever you want Michel & Augustin, to the end of the world, or just for your emails 😉
PS bis: we will be delighted to receive some tasting samples at the headquarters ^^ (especially me!).
Identity card
Generic email information:
- Subject of the email : Keep the POWER ?
- From : Michel et Augustin
<jeveuxbavarderaveclatribu@micheletaugustin-emstech.com> - Preheader : none
- Sending platform : Cheetahdigital
Checklist :
2 réponses
Yes, thanks for this great analysis Marion (and very funny too)! I've always thought that their news 100% image must be a problem, and I'd like to see how it would look like if it was transformed into HTML by professionals !
Thank you Robin 😉
Maybe we'll do a design overhaul for fun in a future post!