Tool: Focus on Smartprofile

Smartprofile is a campaign activation tool that has been present since the very first version of our Benchmark on campaign management tools.

Here is how we present them:

Smartprofile is a little known but extremely efficient solution for reconciling browsing and CRM data. The tool is well wired to ingest navigation from websites, mobile applications and also CRM data. The tool also natively handles many channels: email, SMS, survey, landing pages, forms, web push, pop-in...The list of pre-configured dashboards is impressive. Smartprofile also offers a possibility that has become rare on the market, that of being able to deploy the solution on its customers' servers (in on-premise mode). This is an important possibility for certain business sectors.

Jonathan Loriaux and Marion Duchatelet - White Paper " How to choose an eCRM and/or emailing campaign management solution?

Smartprofile is quite comfortable in the following industries: Banking/Insurance, Leisure/Tourism, Media, Training/Recruitment and BtoB.

THE DNA of Smartprofile

To fully understand a tool and its strengths, it is often necessary to go back to its origin and the composition of its teams.
Smartprofile is in fact the name of the solution marketed by the company NSP. And in fact, NSP has been around for 20 years! Originally NSP (Net Solution Partner, created by Julien Musso and Hervé Baïle) is a web site audience measurement tool. But when Google arrived on the French market in the early 2000s with its Google Analytics tool, NSP found itself with its arms folded and had to evolve its tool. They then turned to CRM data and marketing automation.
Nevertheless, NSP has always kept its DNA. And it seems that lately, there is a fair return of things Smartprofile is exempt from consent by the CNIL!

The latest news from Smartprofile

The ergonomics

This is often a challenge for tools that were created in the early 2000's and for tools that have a high level of functionality. How do you combine simplicity of use and functional richness? The Smartprofile team has this in mind and regularly updates their interface to improve usability.

Native management of the push web channel

A logical continuation when you are also an audience measurement tool.

On-site personalization

A logical continuation when you are also an audience measurement tool (again ;-)).

Lead scoring

Smartprofile is capable of managing lead scoring and also calculating a score based on the answers to a survey. For example, if you are a recruiter, Smartprofile can automatically retrieve the most suitable candidates based on their answers to a scored questionnaire.

Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

The visualization of a timeline

For each contact, you can view their timeline: which pages they visited, when, which email they opened or which purchase they made.

Features not found everywhere else

A survey and landing page editor in drag & drop

Smartprofile is already equipped with an email builder functionality. This is now a feature that all routing tools have. But, it is also possible to easily create surveys, forms and landing pages with drag and drop.

A lot of dashboards

Reporting functionality is often the "poor relation" of tools. Smartprofile offers a multitude of reporting tools that combine analytics and CRM.

A connector to Alexa

Julien is a big believer in voice marketing. Smartprofile is the only tool I know of that already has a connector to Alexa !

On-premise mode

It is one of the few tools that still offers an on-premise mode. This means that the solution is installed on the company's servers. This is an important feature for the banking and institutional sector.

Made to measure

Well, it's not a feature. But the ability to adapt a tool to an organization is one of the points on which Smartprofile excels. The teams will listen to the needs of their customers and will strive to develop small custom features. The turnover of their customers is rather low.

If you plan to change your tools soon, don't hesitate to contact us!

If you want to know more about Smartprofile or any other marketing campaign management tool, please contact us! And then,

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

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