Artificial intelligence at the service of emailing. Meeting with Tinyclues.

With some of our clients, we feel like we are reaching milestones.
Let me explain:
They are coache for several years now. They've already implemented many of our recommendations: the right balance between editorial newsletter and promotional emailing, keeping their inactives out of the loop, testing objects/preheaders, wording that arouses interest, testing time and day of sending, etc... and even the implementation of targeting based on centers of interest.
For this last good practice:

  • They have categorized the links in their emailings
  • They fed an aggregate calculating the sum of clicks by category
  • They created the corresponding "center of interest" segments
  • They send their promotional emails to segments corresponding to the interests of the email offer

With the implementation of these good practices, they have clearly increased their click-through rates. (for one client, we have multiplied by 3 the number of clickers in 12 months)

The next stepWe believe that the best way to do this is to integrate browsing data into their targeting or to work with their company's data scientists to try to find potential future buyers.
This requires working transversally with the IT/Data Science department. When we suggest the idea, we are often told: " Well, if I do that, it means I have to go see IT, we don't speak the same language, we can't understand each other and since it's an internal project, it's going to take a long time..." 

Fortunately, there are several ways to continue improving CRM practices. One of them is to use a solution like Tinyclues which offers to put intelligence into targeting in a few clicks without the need to bring on board IT and without the need for special knowledge.

Tinyclues, how does it work?

A few weeks ago, I had the chance to talk with Benoit Brégéonfrom Tinyclues. Jonathan Loriaux, had already met one of the founders in 2014. You can read the article here. So, I won't tell you the whole story of Tinyclues but rather an update!
So, since 2014, the company is doing very well! The first advertiser to trust Tinyclues was Priceminister, then, CDiscount, and now they work with nearly 120 advertisers all over the world, rather retail, e-commerce, travel/travel/hospitality oriented.

Tinyclues' promise is simple but powerful: identify your potential future buyers in a few minutes and in a few clicks. Class...

To fulfill this promise, the advertiser entrusts 4 types of data to Tinyclues (anonymized of course!):

  • Transactional data for at least the last 24 months who bought what and when
  • Socio-demographic data first name, @email, postal code
  • Behavioral data over the last 6 months openings and clicks of emailing campaigns
  • + the catalog product

Basically, a replica of the marketing datamart (note that even if navigation data is a plus, it is not essential).

3 main features stand out from the platform:

1- Detect potential future buyers

You will choose a product from your catalog. The Tinyclues algorithm will use all the clues hidden in your data to find future buyers. To give you an idea, the algo will detect links, if they exist, between the product purchase, a click in an email 3 months ago, a clue in the first name or the postal code... So many clues that are ignored by marketing campaign management tools.

Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

The Tinyclues platform will calculate an appetence score for each profile in base. The tool will rank the profiles: from the most likely to buy a product to the least likely. You will then choose the volume of addresses you want, and you are guaranteed to get the audience with the highest probability to buy your product.
You then automatically find your audience in your marketing campaign management tool. Tinyclues has developed APIs with several routing tools on the market.

2- Predicting product success

This feature allows you to view marketing communication opportunities. 
You enter into the platform the commercial offers you plan to send in the next few days. Tinyclues will tell you if the offers included in your mailing schedule should be aimed at a large target or a smaller one, and in addition, you will be able to identify speaking opportunities not included in your plan.

3- Map the products that interest the same audiences

Tinyclues also offers a map. This map puts in perspective your product offers and the associated potential buyers' audiences. You can therefore easily identify common audiences. If 3 product offers have almost the same target, you can decide to do 1 email campaign gathering these 3 products rather than 3 separate email campaigns.

The consequences of this type of tool

You get the idea. Using a tool like Tinyclues means reviewing your process and your production capacity.
But, companies are very often under-staffed...
One of the keys to success is toindustrialize the creation of email campaigns via an email builder tool (there are plenty of them! The Boss, Layout, Dartagnanand Le Patron, ah and also Le Patron ;-)).

If we say that this is really the future of emailing, namely the industrialization of email production, it would mean that the job of integrator / HTML designer would disappear? pom pom pom ... my little finger tells me that our famous Jonathan Loriaux is preparing a biiiiig article on the future of emailing, we'll see what he thinks 😉

I got lost, sorry.
So to get back to Tinyclues. The tool increases open rates, click-through rates and conversions, but also decreases the number of unsubscribers and the dissatisfaction rate of your campaigns. What Tinyclues calls the fatigue rate of the email. (Ardavan Beiguithe co-founder of Tinyclues, wrote an article about this on our blog last January).
The tool also allows you to visualize the effectiveness of your strategy and therefore to make quick decisions in order to adjust it as best as possible. And all this, in a few clicks and without the need for technical or data scientist skills.

As with any recommendation, it is best to do an A/B test !
In addition, Tinyclues offers the driver if you take the solution on the long term.

If you'd like to find out more about Tinyclues, don't hesitate to contact us! And if you'd like to be coached to improve your performance or get a demo of our email builder tooldo not hesitate to contact us contact !

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

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