Meet Meteors. We talk about CDP and loyalty engine.

I spoke to Olivier Guillouzouic, founder of Meteors, based in La Madeleine (Nooooord). Meteors is a team of around 20 people, specialized in DATAwhich produces customized customer studies and business reports. The team can also manage marketing campaigns in full-service mode by putting your hands in thecampaign management tool of their customers.

Meteors is also a software suite composed of 3 main modules:

  1. a CDP (Customer Data Platform, that BAD acronym ;-))
  2. a loyalty engine
  3. an attribution engine

In this article, we will focus on the loyalty engine...

But before talking about loyalty, I can't resist to tell you what the Meteors CDP is (my pedagogical side takes over ;-)).

It is a CDP in the literal sense of the word. That is, a tool that :

  • centralizes all types of customer data A data flow aggregation coming from the stores' checkout management tools, the transactional e-commerce site, the loyalty card, the web navigation, the product catalog, etc.
  • natively cleans contact data : mastery of the techniques of Restructuring Standardization and Validation of the Postal Way, but also cleaning of telephone number and email address.
  • translates ingested data into customer information digestible The provision of customized reports on the commercial activity generated.

    To summarize, it goes like this:
CRM/OGC type " CDPCDP " type CDP/CDP " 😉
DNAEmail routingData
Multi-stream aggregationyesyes
Native DQMno: they subcontract this part in the vast majority of casesyes, for the most part
Data visualization / reportingRather result-oriented email campaignsMore customer/sales oriented: they have research and data mining skills
Native campaign activationyesno: they connect to any campaign management tool.
To fully understand the specifics of CDPs and choose the right CDP for your needs, It's always interesting to capture the DNA of the founders and what is managed natively or outsourced.

So let's get back to the point.

The Metors fidelity engine was designed with Louis-Antoine Pottier. Louis-Antoine has previously worked on the loyalty engines of Sephora, Printemps, Micromania... so he knows a lot about them. The engine manages :

  • management of the statutes customers : VIP, premium, standard...
  • the management of the kitty : points counter...
  • management of promotions : vouchers, promo code...

Meteors' loyalty engine (which is actually a rules engine) feeds the right dynamic segments into the client's campaign management tool, which trigger the email triggers, which help animate the loyalty scenario.

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Status management - Meteors
Points management - Meteors

This is purely transactional data management. This type of program is more or less based on "1 euro spent = 1 point earned", which makes us think of the retail and ecommerce sector. But the power of the rules engine can also cover other sectors such as fan loyalty management in sports clubs or donor loyalty management in the charity sector.

As a consumer, I find it quite amazing to think only in terms of amount and frequency of transactions.

A customer is valuable if they buy regularly, of course. But also if they are engaged and interact with the brand, right? if he regularly opens the messages, if he clicks in them, if he answers questionnaires, if he fills in forms, if he gives his opinion, if he sponsors people...
I don't know (yet) of any loyalty program that takes into account behavioral data in the definition of a loyalty program? Especially since when I talk about it with Olivier, he tells me that this behavioral data can be added to the loyalty rules without any problem. So it's not a technical limitation.
In addition, if tomorrow, the number of purchases / individual decreasesIf you want to reward a loyal customer, you'll have to find other criteria. What do you think about it? Do you know of a loyalty program that takes into account data other than transactional data?

If you want to know more about Meteors or if you want us to imagine your loyalty scenarios together, do not hesitate to contact usWe have lots of ideas!

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