Pathwire (Mailjet & Mailgun merger) study on email marketing habits in 2021

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Pathwire (the new brand created following the merger of Mailjet and Mailgun) has just published a study that reveals the behaviors of consumers (B2C) in front of their mailboxes when they receive email communications sent by brands.

A timely study!
For almost a year now, emailing has played a key role in keeping in touch with consumers. The challenge now for brands is to maintain good engagement levels!

2,000 people worldwide (including 350 French respondents) responded to the study on how they interact with their personal inbox.

What does this study find?

  • The ranking of the most used applications and email clients
  • When and how often they check their personal email
  • How they scan their inbox and react to unsolicited messages.
  • This drives users to subscribe, unsubscribe and open emails sent by brands.
  • The level of effectiveness of the most common B2C emails and the different types of content sent by email.
  • Situations in which users prefer to receive communications via SMS rather than email.

A little (a lot) of teasing...

  • 75% of French consumers want to receive news from B2C brands by email at least once a week
  • 67.1 % of the French people surveyed claim to have more than one personal email address and almost a third of French users confide that they have an address dedicated to promotional emails (30.8 %).
  • 60.2 % of French respondents say they consult more than 2 times a day their primary personal email box. Among respondents who have a dedicated promotional email address, more than half say they check it every day (56.1 %).
  • Gmail is the most used email client in France (55.7 %) ahead of Outlook (19.7 %). Among Google email users, 56.6 % check the "Promotions" tab daily.
  • Almost half of French users check unread messages from the most recent to the oldest (44.6 %) while 21.4 % do the opposite, and 18 % read in priority those whose sender they recognize.
  • The main reasons to subscribe to a newsletter are toget a one-time discount and receive regular special offers

For even more stats, you'll need to download the study 😉

Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

Read the press release
Learn more about Pathwire

66.9 % of French people receive more than 10 emails a day

...including 12.3 % more than 50 emails. Brands must therefore make sure they stand out in these overloaded inboxes in order to create the connection consumers expect.
If you need coaching to know which emails to send, what content to write, when to route and to whom, you can contact us directly and we will organize a video 😉

And to properly track your email engagement stats, you can also read this guide to statistics.

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

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