New version of the Pattern: SAML, special characters, text edit bar and bug fixes

We have just deployed a new version of our email builder ThePatron. On the menu, many improvements including the support of the SAML authentication protocol.

We start with the "small" updates: text editing and special characters

Automatic encoding of special characters

Special characters in emails have long been automatically encoded in HTML entities, which means that the character "Ă©" becomes "&actue;" in the HTML code exported from the email builder. This is to minimize the risk of misinterpretation of these characters.

We have recently designed master templates email in languages that had not been used until then (Polish), with some problems with the characters. So we decided to switch to the decimal version which seems to be more widely supported by email clients and browsers for less frequent characters.

Thus, our "Ă©" character will now be encoded with "é".

Availability of the functionality Automatic for all users and all LePatron templates.

Modification of the text editing bar

Following several discussions with our users, we have evolved the editing bar of the text boxes within the platform.

Some elements have been removed: like the horizontal lines (<hr> in HTML) or alignments were no longer necessary. The text alignments for example are directly defined in the block options.

Adding unbreakable characters

On the other hand, two elements have been added, on the one hand the possibility to add non-breaking spaces and non-breaking dashes, and on the other hand a better control of the display of the links with a customization of the link color and the possibility to intervene on the underlining.

Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

Availability of the functionality Automatic for all users and all LePatron templates.

SAMLv2 support for more security

SAML is an authentication protocol allowing to connect to a third party application with identifiers controlled by the company. This allows, for example, not to have multiple passwords, but also for the company to better control the access of their employees to different applications.

You may have already seen the acronym SSO (Single Sign-on) and you have certainly used connections like "Connect with Facebook", "Connect with Google", ...

SAML connection to Office365

After configuration, it is now possible to connect to the Boss with your Office365 or Google Workspace credentials (and all other SAML-compatible identity providers).

Availability of the functionality : Setup and activation fees to be expected. No extra cost for the license (we never do it by the way 😉 ).

Want a demo of our email builder? Please feel free to fill out the form below.

Photo by Flower on Unsplash

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

One Response

  1. If "Ă©" really became "&actue;" it wouldn't display correctly, it seems to me 😉

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