3 Good Reasons to trust us with your Monitoring Deliverability!!!

I propose a new series of articles based on the deliverability monitoring. Why deliverability monitoring? Quite simply because it's at the heart of my activity at Badsender, and I must have done more than 200 monitoring operations since I started! That's why it's important for me to share this information with you. See you every Wednesday (or almost) to discover this series 🙂

With the complex reputation systems set up by ISPs/Webmails, deliverability monitoring has become an indispensable part of a good marketing strategy. How can you know if you are blocked at Microsoft or if you are delivering spam at Gmail if you don't follow your reputation indicators? In this first article, I will give you 3 good reasons to entrust us with your deliverability monitoring!

Good Reason #01: By entrusting us with this task, you can fully devote yourself to your marketing strategy!

I love deliverability (I'm not going to hide from it) but I can understand that it scares some people. I had written a fun article about how much I hated it and I had put some good reasons for it:

  • It is a complex art...
  • It is a complex language...
  • It is a complex reputation system...
  • It's complex marketing practices...
  • And finally, reputation tracking is complex...

With so much complexity, you will understand that it will take time and a strong personal investment and if you don't have any...

Here is a small example of the data you will need to monitor on a daily basis:

  • Health status of PIs Are your IPs listed on one or more active Block Lists? Are they reporting a settings problem? Are they listed on one or more Anti-Spam filter lookups? Do they have a good external reputation score with Senderscore? Do they have a good reputation with Postmaster Outlook & Gmail?
  • The state of health of the domains Are your domains listed on one or more active Block Lists? Do they have any problems with their settings? Are they listed on one or more Anti-Spam filter lookups?
  • Monitoring of Spamtraps & Phishing Have you targeted spamtraps on your last campaigns? Have any Pristine spamtraps been targeted? Were any attempts made to use your domains with an Asian IP?
  • Monitoring of campaign data Did you generate bounces? Doesn't the open rate at Orange indicate a spam delivery? Is the generated complaint rate correct? Is your dissatisfaction rate within the norm?

And of course, in case of impact, we'll have to take care of the time spent talking to ISPs/Webmails and company... And that can be long! But don't worry, it's also part of our monitoring mission 🙂

Do you see the advantage of using us to monitor your deliverability? And as a bonus, we alert you in case of problems, while giving you the keys to rectify the situation (alerting is good but correcting is better :p). This will allow you to focus exclusively on all your priority or secondary marketing tasks (or any other task).

Good Reason #02 : We are experts in deliverability... But not only!

Just like Obelix with the pot of Panoramix, we fell into it (not the pot but the deliverability :p) when we were "almost" small.

Deliverability is an important part of our business (in addition to email design) and the coaching and auditing missions are numerous and diverse... Understand that people don't come to us by chance!

If you know the Badsender team a little bit, you probably know that I've been managing the whole deliverability part since 2016 (and it's not going to stop :p).

With more than 12 years of experience in this field, I have worked at three different Email Service Providers (or routers). The first one was Emailvision, I did deliverability support for more than 6 months on various types of customers. Then, I had the opportunity to join Neolane where I mainly did deliverability project management (workshop, audit, follow-up and a touch of support). I ended up at Cabestan as Deliverability Manager (I was the King!) where I did a mix of my two previous experiences.

Thus, I had the chance to work with very large and beautiful accounts, let us note among others: Cdiscount, Yves-Rocher, Sony Entertainement, Universal, 3Suisses, La Redoute, Sejer, Club Med, Les Galeries Lafayette, Rue du Commerce, Clarins, Deezer, Kiabi, L'Oreal, Kookaï, Groupe Beaumanoir, Le Lynx, Lagardère, Bandaï-Namco, Rothelec, KFC, Groupe Barrière, Samsung, Viadeo, Reworld Media, UFC Quechoisir, Groupe Chantelle, Groupe Kering, Nocibé,... I won't have enough of an article to list them all 🙂

But it's not only me who's a staller, there's also Jonathan who regularly speaks at various conferences (EMDay, Live Youtube, ...) and who knows deliverability inside out! Don't hesitate to challenge him 😉

But at Badsender, there are only Experts in deliverability (even if we see ourselves more as e-mail craftsmen)! Do you know that Badsender has multiple talents & skills? Here are the different complementary missions to a deliverability mission:

  • Design of E-mails We have a complete team of email production specialists: HTML email integration, content writing for newsletters, emailing design.
  • Marketing Strategy We accompany you in your strategic reflections and in the evolution of your eCRM and e-mail marketing projects thanks to more than 25 years of accumulated experience (give or take a few years).
  • Campaign Orchestration We orchestrate your email campaigns at any time: Whether it is during a migration to a new eCRM platform or during the deployment of new marketing programs.

The reputation of an advertiser is not necessarily only technical. Whether it's the design of the e-mails, the targeting chosen or the marketing strategy adopted, your reputation can be impacted in a few minutes. Our strength is to be able to intervene at all levels and therefore detect a sector that has been faulty and help you to quickly rectify the situation.

All this to say that you will be in good hands and you will not be dealing with charlatans!

Good Reason #03 : We have all the tools to manage this mission well !

Calling oneself an Expert is fine but any poorly equipped Expert is not really an Expert (in our opinion).

At Badsender, we have opted for a monitoring tool to assist us in deliverability, it is 250Ok (even if in a few months, we will switch to Everest - Validity's new platform including all the tools of Return Path, 250ok, Brite Verify etc.).

Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

The tool is composed of several modules that allow us to follow the deliverability of the advertisers we monitor. Here are the main modules we use:

The Inbox Module

This module allows you to test your reputation at a given moment (Inbox/Spam/Missing) on a list of addresses (about 1000@) containing :

  • ISP/Webmails like Gmail, Microsoft, La Poste, Free, Orange, Web.de, ...
  • Hosting companies like Google Apps, Office 365, Zoho, ...
  • Anti-Spam filters like Barraduca, Cisco, Proofpoint, Vade Secure, ...

There are two advantages to this module: 1) You target a large choice of providers: Europe, N/S America, Asia, Oceania. And 2) You will have a campaign diagnostic.

Seedlist test results for the Inbox module

The Reputation Module

This module allows you to track your reputation through the creation of custom profiles. In each profile, you can add as many domains/subdomains and IPs as you want. These are the indicators that will be tracked.

You can also connect external tools like Outlook's SNDS or Gmail's Postmaster Tools (or even manage feedback loops yourself).

There are two good things about this module: 1) 250ok has a large spamtraps network and will alert you when one of your profiles hits their network. And 2) 250ok also uses their spamtraps network to alert you if your domain name has been used with an unregistered IP in the profile (which can ultimately be potentially phishing).

Listing of profiles in the 250ok "Reputation" module

The DMARC Module

This comprehensive module allows you to monitor DMARC reports returned by different organizations. It sorts you into three distinct categories if the data in the reports is : Compliant vs. Non-Compliant vs. Non-Authenticated.

The little extra of this tool is to be able to filter the data on all the available indicators of the reports. If you follow our news a little bit, I do our DMARC monitoring every beginning of the month with these data 🙂

Dashboard of the 250ok DMARC module

If you want to know more about the tool, I'm planning a little article in May but you can always contact us for a demo 🙂

What to remember...

You will have understood, this article aims to make you aware that if you don't have the time to monitor your reputation indicators, there is an alternative to doing nothing, it is to call upon Experts rather than to undergo and notice the business impacts! But beyond this deliverability monitoring and/or our various missions, the idea is above all to help you grow and make you better 🙂

Do not hesitate to consult our page dedicated to deliverability on our site 🙂


You are overwhelmed? You want to monitor your campaigns? You have doubts about the proper delivery of your emails? We are here to help you, do not hesitate to consult the link below:


Feel free to share, like, comment... In short, make some noise !!!!!


Badsender, emailing expertise agitator! Badsender is a team of craftsmen specialized in the various disciplines surrounding email marketing! Our emailing agency intervenes on questions of strategy, design, orchestration and deliverability. We offer this expertise in the form of coachingWe can also provide services such as audits, or act as an outsourced production force. 

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

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