Monitoring DMARC - September 2021

As I do every month now, I am sharing with you our data monitoring DMARC for the month of September 2021!

To summarize: Today, following our email migration, we have changed our DMARC security policy from "quarantine" to "none" to be sure that no email flow is impacted. Afterwards, we will switch back to the "quarantine" level to protect our domain name.

Ultimately, we have two goals for 2021:

  1. Change our security policy to "reject": we would then ask any organization interpreting DMARC to reject emails with bad SPF & DKIM authentication.
  2. Legitimize all our email flows (and yes, we use several distinct tools for each type of sending - understand, we don't have all our eggs in the same basket :p).
  3. Apply a "strict" SPF & DKIM alignment instead of a "relaxed" one: We're plugging EVERYTHING into!

This 3rd point is too complicated to set up (cf. point n°2), we will remain in "relaxed" since all our legitimate flows will be branded with a sub-domain of And if one day things change... We will study a passage towards a strict alignment!

We are aware that it will take time and energy but it is not impossible! And if it allows us to reduce the risks of using our domain name, it's worth it.

Let's get to the heart of the matter... Enjoy your reading 🙂

September 2021 compliance rate

To be DMARC compliant, the email must return a properly authenticated and properly aligned (soft or hard) SPF or DKIM record.

Here are our results since the beginning of the year 2021 and in particular for the month of September where the e-mail activity has picked up:

Badsender.comVolumesCompliantNon-CompliantNot Authenticated
September 20214 91299,8%0,2%0,0%
August 20211 71199,8%0,1%0,1%
July 20212 12482,6%5,6%11,8%
June 20214 71799,6%0,2%0,2%
May 20213 90099,7%0,1%0,2%
April 20214 21499,4%0,1%0,5%
March 20213 54999,1%0,9%0,0%
February 20215 22199,8%0,2%0,0%
January 20214 84398,0%1,9%0,1%
Our compliance rate for the year 2021

With the highest volume since 2021, the DMARC compliance rate in September remains very good to very close to 100%. Only 11 emails are not compliant and/or have not been authenticated to DMARC in September!

Authentication & SPF & DKIM alignment

For an email to be properly authenticated with SPF, the IP used must be declared in the SPF record of the email envelope domain (understand here the MailFrom/Return-path domain - visible in the SMTP header of an email).

SPF authentication rate for in 2021 - DMARC monitoring
SPF authentication rate for in 2021

What to say about this month of September except that we have one of the best rates of the year, with more than 97% of emails having a valid SPF authentication ^^

And for an e-mail to be correctly aligned with SPF, the domain of the e-mail envelope (here the MailFrom/Return-path) must be identical or from a sub-domain of the FROM domain (cf. domain of the sending address).

SPF alignment rate for in 2021
SPF alignment rate for in 2021

Our SPF alignment rate for September is still quite good, with a rate of almost 93% but it can still be improved. We will have to study the sources reporting an SPF alignment problem and correct them if possible.

For an email to be properly authenticated with DKIM, the email will need to have a valid DKIM signature (regardless of the domain used in the "d=" statement).

DKIM authentication rate for in 2021 - DMARC monitoring
DKIM authentication rate for in 2021

CLEAR. What to say here except that we are close to the 100% of DKIM authentication on this month of September!

Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

As far as DKIM alignment is concerned, for an e-mail to be correctly aligned, the domain declared in the DKIM signature (contained in the "d=") must be identical to or come from the sub-domain of the FROM domain (cf. domain of the sending address).

DKIM alignment rate for in 2021
DKIM alignment rate for in 2021

Concerning the DKIM alignment rate for September, it is not bad, with a rate of 97.3%. Like the previous rates, it can be improved but we are far from the score of July.

The last DKIM-related rate is the rate of unsigned e-mails (and yes, there are still some). These are emails that have no DKIM signature.

Unsigned email rate with DKIM for in 2021
Unsigned email rate with DKIM for in 2021

Clear for the rate of unsigned emails with DKIM. We find the rate that we have almost always had since the beginning of the year!

Distribution of non-compliant & non-authenticated emails

Here is the list of "Sender rDNS" (understand here the domain name that is associated with an IP) brought up as "non-compliant" over the month of September 2021:

OrganizationSender rDNSCategoryVolumesPercentageSourceAction
Microsoft*.outlook.comWebmail444%UnknownNo action
OVH*.ovh.netHosting333%UnknownNo action
Google*.google.comWebmail222%UnknownNo action
Non-compliant" sources in September 2021

Not much to say for this month of September, only 9 non-compliant emails and no compliance required.

And the list of "Sender rDNS" reported as "unauthenticated":

OrganizationSender rDNSCategoryVolumesPercentageSourceAction
?* action
Microsoft*.outlook.comWebmail150%UnknownNo action
Non-authenticated" sources in September 2021

The same goes for the "non-authenticated" flows, only 2 reports for the month of September and no action to be taken.

SPF & DKIM error trends

We have the possibility to know on each "Sender rDNS" what are the problems we have encountered and that will be corrected.

Below are the reported trends on SPF & DKIM errors for the month of September 2021:

Trend of the most frequent SPF errors

SPF failure trend for the month of September 2021
SPF failure trend for the month of September 2021

For the month of September, 242 emails report an SPF alignment problem, 68 emails report SPF failure, 9 emails report no SPF record and 2 emails report a temporary error with SPF.

Trend of the most frequent DKIM errors

DKIM failure trend for the month of September 2021
DKIM failure trend for the month of September 2021

On the DKIM error side for the month of September, 106 emails report a DKIM alignment problem, 25 emails report a DKIM authentication problem, 16 emails report a temporary DKIM problem, 2 emails report no DKIM record and 1 email with a permanent error.

Our roadmap for the end of the year!

As we have finally migrated (there are still some small adjustments to be made) our Outlook message to Infomaniak, I will be able to concentrate on our compliance DMARC over the end of the year, which leads to the following objectives:

  1. Correct flows that must be DMARC compliant: those with SPF non-compliant or DKIM non-compliant.
  2. Upgrade our DMARC security policy to "quarantine" and then "reject" before the end of the year.


As you could see in the September figures, we had no bad surprises on our infrastructure migration but also from malicious third parties (which is always reassuring :p). We will be able to analyze the email flows that still have a defect at the level of SPF or DKIM to be completely square. It's a work in progress that will take time 🙂

Our other content related to DMARC (from near or far) :

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

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