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Live! UX and Email: how to make an eye-catching, intelligible and actionable design in less than 3 seconds?

You have less than 3 seconds to grab your readers' attention!
The first impression is doubly important to avoid that the reader immediately zaps... and this first impression is formed in our brain in a few milliseconds !

How to create an effective email designunderstandable and convertible?

But I hear you say, " The design of an email is subjective, right? We are inevitably influenced by our personal tastes or opinions. "

If the design of an email is subjective, then there would be no way to distinguish good email from bad? Yet, we instinctively know how to do it.

If a designer/integrator is looking to solve problems when designing email, then it's pretty easy to understand that email design is objective. But you have to be able to formalize the problems!

Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

How to bring objectivity to evaluate your emails and improve your click-through rates?

We discussed all this with Gabriel Gastaud, founder of ViaretinaThe solution deciphers the visual path of Internet users and measures the factors that influence click rates in emails (but also web pages and mobile applications).

The participants

Marion Duchatelet : She advises Badsender's clients in their emailing strategy and in the choice of their tools. She organizes master template design workshops for email builder LePatron. She writes articles, hosts live shows, does training with Badsender but not only that, she jumps on all good ideas to make sure they become reality. She never gives up, never! She wants to understand everything, EVERYTHING!

Gabriel Gastaud Gabriel is the founder of Viaretina. He has 13 years of experience in digital and email marketing. After working at Cheetahmail, he was a consultant and then Director of Professional Services at Return Path for 7 years. He now supports Marketing, CRM and UX teams to understand and improve the visual experience proposed on digital interfaces.

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo financially supports the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

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