Towards a marketing of renunciation? A podcast recorded with Cyril Espalieu from Everide

The marketing of renunciation ! These words dropped by Cyril Espalieu (co-founder and CMO of Everide) in this episode sound obvious, but I've never expected them before! Is the purpose of marketing in a world of sobriety is not to make citizens-consumers understand and accept that immediacy, newness, fashion, etc., are not all that desirable.

In this context, isn't the aim of marketing to educate? The marketing of renunciation would be to explain why continuing to succumb to one's buying impulses is not compatible with the climate emergency. To explain that responsible purchasing means waiting for the right moment. Waiting until the need is really there, waiting until the right product is available. The product that will last and satisfy that need for a long time to come.

With Cyril, we also talked about mountains, the Everide adventure, their "ambassador" strategy, event sponsoring, passion for the outdoors, and the world of second hand. I hope you enjoy it, because I really had a great time!

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Very good listening to all!

This recording is also available on all podcast platforms:

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