A new page in our "à la carte" production services!

As part of Badsender's strategic objectives for 2024, the boosting of ouroutsourcing of email campaign production is in the top 5! And we've just passed a milestone in our roadmap with the complete rewriting of our service page on the subject.

I won't let you wait any longer, the page is here: https://www.badsender.com/agence/orchestration/

If outsourced marketing campaign management is so important to us, it's because it brings in one of the highest levels of repeat business, combining the full spectrum of expertise of our emailing agency and CRMand that one or two major customers in this area of expertise would give us a great deal of economic stability over the coming months!

Here are the different "à la carte" campaign management services we offer:

Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

  • Creation and review of campaign briefs
  • Message design
  • Targeting and segmentation
  • Marketing automation
  • Campaign management
  • Analysis and optimization

You choose what you delegate to us, we use your existing tools, we work in agency mode (but sometimes also in project management mode).

Please feel free to give us your feedback on this page, and if you would like to discuss these services with us, you know where to find us !

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

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