Georges Basdevant, CEO of Captain Cause: "Modern marketing must be responsible and supportive."

Captain Cause is an effective solution for align CSR commitments and marketing practices. I was very taken by the tool, which brings together the worlds of business and associations. Georges Basdevant, the CEO and co-founder, spoke to our Sobriety & Marketing podcast. He will also be demonstrating the tool at an upcoming Badsender live event.

Captain Cause Live-Demo

Georges Basdevant came to give us a demonstration of the donation platform. You can see how the tool works and how it reinvents or combines with the classic loyalty program.

For your information, Captain Cause is organizing a "Loyalty & Impact" Breakfast on June 19 at 8:30 a.m. in the 9th arrondissement of Paris at Le Bivwak, on the theme of Customer Rewards in the age of eco-responsibility! ? Frédéric Mazzella's keynote address, a brand round table and a keynote on Loyalty & CSR. To register, click here:

Captain Cause completely reinvents brand loyalty and relationship programs

You know, those points-based programs like20 euros = 20 loyalty points".. These programs attempt to build customer loyalty primarily through re-purchases. At a time when many companies have made CSR commitments, these traditional loyalty programs need to reinvent themselves.

So how can a brand build customer loyalty other than by encouraging purchases?

"There's so much urgency that we need to get out of indignation and into action mode."

Georges Basdevant, CEO Captain Cause

Captain Cause creates a financing bridge between the world of business and the world of associations.

Captain Cause is an online donation platform that partners with corporate loyalty programs. Their mission? Making marketing more responsible and inclusive by transferring part of corporate marketing budgets to associations.

Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

How does it work? A brand subscribes to Captain Cause. It chooses several associations. Customers of this brand's relationship program receive "difts" (a name invented by Captain Cause: contraction of donation+gift) which they can donate to the cause of their choice. A new way for brands to and affirm their commitments.

And it's a hit. In 18 months, over 200 companies (Accor, FDJ, Orange, BCG, Mirakl...) have subscribed to Captain Cause. In 1 year, 1 million euros have been collected and donated to causes. They have built up a catalog of over 80 associations. Captain Cause has just entered the top 120 impact companies by Mouvement Impact France. And they're not stopping there. Their ambition? To redirect 1 billion euros to causes!

Here are some of the questions I asked Georges Basdevant during our exchange:

  • How do we reinvent points-based loyalty programs? What are we telling customers?
  • Isn't it too hard to shake up brand loyalty programs when they generate significant revenues for companies with high business imperatives?
  • How do you select associations?
  • How do you ensure that companies are sincere? That they're not using Captain Cause for greenwashing?
  • Can you give us some examples of the amounts of donations collected and what the associations have done with them?
  • What is your business model?
  • Who are your investors?
  • Do you align your own convictions with your choice of practices or tools?
  • Are you integrating AI into your platform?

Enjoy your listening!

This recording is also available on all podcast platforms:

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We talk about it in the episode:

And, of course, to find out more about Captain Cause:

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

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