As part of our drive to move the entire ecosystem towards more responsible emailing practicesIn March 2021, we launched our project on email expiration dates. This project aims to reduce the carbon footprint of the emailing sector* (among other things). Three years on, where do we stand?
Live from Thursday, December 19, 2024
Marion Duchatelet asks Jonathan Loriaux, the project's advocacy manager, these questions:
- Which routers now integrate expiration dates?
- How does this materialize in concrete terms in these tools?
- How to convince your router to adopt expiration dates?
- What's the courier companies' position?
- How many emails contain an expiration date?
- How do you convince messaging companies to move faster?
- Do we still need financial support?
- What is the projected timetable for the project?
The participants
Active for "ages" in the world of email marketing, Jonathan's career started on the technical side before moving into sales and marketing consultancy. He created the Badsender blog in 2010, then the agency in 2015. Today, Jonathan's days are mainly devoted to evangelizing emailing and deliverability best practices, his role as advocacy manager for the email expiration date project, and the administrative management of Badsender. See his LinkedIn profile
Marion advises Badsender customers on their emailing strategy and choice of tools. She writes articles for the Badsender blog, and hosts live events and training sessions. She jumps on all good ideas to make sure they become reality. She is also co-host of the podcast Sobriété & Marketing. She wants to understand EVERYTHING! See his LinkedIn profile
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To go further
*This project aims to reduce carbon footprint in the emailing sector, fromlighten the mental load Internet users and transforming culture and attitudes to email use.
Billions of commercial emails are sent by organizations every year, and stored indefinitely, for nothing, in data centers around the world. This project aims to reduce the growing volume of these useless messages.
We are well aware that email is only a small part of digital carbon emissions, which are themselves a small part of global carbon emissions. But the effort must come from every sector. So let's do our bit.
- Link to the project :
- See project website e-mail expiration dates
- Read the first article to introduce the idea of expiration dates