Free DMARC monitoring: secure your emails right from the start!

The DMARC monitoring has become an essential element of email security. For new projects and startups, there are a number of free or low-cost DMARC solutions to get you off to a good start. But it's vital to start DMARC monitoring as soon as you send your first emails.

Why implement DMARC monitoring right from the start?

Securing e-mail domains is crucial right from the start. A study onadoption of DMARC by CAC40 companies has shown that even large companies sometimes neglect this aspect, with potentially disastrous consequences for their security.

Implementing DMARC right from the start of a project, and from the moment the first emails are sent, guarantees :

  • Immediate protection against identity theft
  • The installation of SPF authentications and DKIM right from the start
  • The possibility of deploy BIMI to reinforce the trust of your email recipients
  • To avoid time-consuming and painful catching up in a few years' time, when you've made your e-mail sources more complex.

Free and affordable DMARC monitoring solutions

There are several options available to start-up companies:

  • Open-source DMARC monitoring tools
  • Free versions of commercial solutions
  • Basic, low-cost solutions to get you started

The DMARC solutions proposed below are limited to those that allow commercial use and are not too restrictive on the number of reports analyzed in the free version (over 10,000 messages).

Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

But since nothing in life is free (otherwise you're the product), the list isn't very long. What's more, if you start out with a free DMARC tool, you may become dependent on it, and feel obliged to continue using it as your needs evolve.

Valimail :

  • OK - No limit on report volumes
  • OK - Receive alerts
  • KO - No visibility on prices of paid plans


  • OK - No limit on report volumes (but truncated to the first 100,000)
  • OK - Weekly alerts
  • KO - No web interface, only email reports

Inexpensive DMARC monitoring tools with a lot going for them?

The alternative is to turn to paid tools that aren't too expensive. Here are a few European solutions that might interest you:


Implementing DMARC monitoring right from the start of a project is a minimal investment for maximum security. Free or low-cost solutions enable you to get off to a good start, while retaining the option of upgrading to more sophisticated tools as your business grows.

However, to make sure you don't forget anything during the project, don't hesitate to call in a DMARC and deliverability consultant.

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

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