stripo email example

Sample email: Stripo


From: Stripo team
Subject: Stripo update. Has your subscription been updated?
Preheader: nonexistent

Why this choice?

Because I like Stripo, I can't deny it. In fact, I made an article about this email builder. And because I like them, I expect them to be beyond reproach! 😀 So when I receive an email campaign from them informing me of the features of the Stripo Basic formula, I take the time to list the positive... and negative points. 😉 It's for their own good, believe me! And it's also for my own personal enjoyment. Let's get started, shall we?

The positives of email

  • The the email's design is simple and effective This is exactly what I expect from a transactional email. Less is more!
  • A very light, white drop shadow has been added to the logo so that it remains legible in Dark Mode, when the white background changes to dark. Well done!
  • The email rendering is nickel on all opening environments (except for the minor problem with the Outlook App's social networking icons, as detailed below). Hats off to the artist!
  • I really like the class es-social which, along with media queries, allows you to declare a behavior of type inline-block on cells <td> social network icons: icons are automatically added to the line if the width of the opening environment is insufficient.
  • The smallest text size is 16px No need to squint, for improved legibility and accessibility! Top of the line!

So that's done... and now...

Let's move on to the points for improvement!

  • Unfortunately, in terms of copywriting and text information, I can't figure out why I'm getting this message. Is it because I automatically switched from Premium to Basic because I haven't renewed my subscription?
  • There are attributes title on social network logos and icons. However, it is preferable to fill in ONLY the altand do not add attribute titleat the risk of duplicating. However, I think I understand its use for social network icons, since the corresponding alternative texts are shortened, presumably to avoid superimposing them if images were ever deactivated.
  • I find the particularly heavy HTML codeoverloaded and complex for such a simple design. For example, the logo is included in a table cell, itself included in a table, itself included in a table, itself included in a table, itself included in a table... In short, we have 18 HTML elements nested one inside the other, when 5 would have sufficed!
  • I still find it hard to understand why some lines <tr> are added for an HTML element. Let me explain: just after the title <h1> "Welcome to Stripo Basicthere is a new line for the paragraph <p> "Let's take a look [...] have unlocked".. But why not insert the title in the same cell as the paragraph? That would simplify the HTML code a little more. Although I understand that these are undoubtedly specificities due to Stripo's builder...
  • Only the height was entered via the attribute height on social network icons. So, poof! On Outlook App, according to my EmailOnAcid results, the icons are far too big (120px) compared to the size at which they should be displayed (60px).

But I'm forgetting the most important thing, and I can already see you coming, as excited as you are...

Let's talk about the form in the email!

I've already gone into more detail support for forms in emailBut it's worth pointing out that email forms can cause a number of problems. I check my e-mails on Thunderbird (messaging software developed by the Mozilla Foundation) and this is what I perceive:

  • The <input type="checkbox"> don't react when I click on them. Nothing happens, which is very frustrating.And yet the formatting is there.
  • Thunderbird displays a warning message "This message may be fraudulent.". This message doesn't just appear when I click on the form, but as soon as I open the email, and is always present, like a fixed banner. This type of alert could put off the audience, who would then leave the message, thinking that the entire content of the email presents a security risk.
    thunderbird alert email form
  • The button

Two recommendations for this type of functionality:

  • Segment the base, and send the email with the form to those who can handle it, and a backup version to those who can't. But it's very difficult to know the recipient's final opening environment. But it's very difficult to know the recipient's final opening environment. As proof, my e-mail address ends up as, and I open the e-mail on Thunderbird!
  • A mock form with a multiple-choice questionnaire and different tracking or links on each response. Ok, the effect is less "wahouuuuuuu", but at least it works!
This email was selected by Thomas Defossez

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