Badsender newsletters, now!


Badsender is a team of marketing specialists with special expertise in emailing and wish to act for a more responsible marketing. For more than 10 years, we have been publishing a email marketing newsletter to which was added a newsletter on sobriety and marketing.


2 newsletters, one on emailing,
the other on responsible marketing

Newsletter Emailing

Once a month, receive thehe best of the hottest in emailing news by subscribing to the Badsender email newsletter.

Yes, we know, publishing a newsletter about the newsletterit's strange. It's a bit Inception (cuckoo Léo), or mise en abyme. Anyway, in this newsletter, we talk about email, sometimes we ramble, but always with a good spirit.

On the menu:

Newsletter Sobriety & marketing

You're wondering about marketing sense in a rapidly changing world climate emergency ? So are we!

After launching a podcast on responsible marketingwe share our thoughts, our discoveries, our hopes (and sometimes our despair) with you. a newsletter dedicated to responsible marketing.

On the menu:

  • A selection of thoughts on the subject
  • A relay for our podcast "Sobriety & Marketing...possible?"
  • From editorials to share our questions with you
  • We find the events around sobriety
  • The discovery ofmarketing agencies on the move
  • ... and all initiatives that keep you moving

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October 2023 Sobriety & Marketing Newsletter

Our first newsletter dedicated to sobriety and responsible marketing: a relay of our podcast episodes "Sobriety & Marketing...possible?"articles to show how Badsender is progressing on these subjects, and a selection of content to help us move forward in our thinking.

Invitation to our livestream on deliverability

We regularly invite you to take part in our live videos! Here's a sample invitation to the live deliverability event we organized on false deliverability best practices.

April 2023 email newsletter

A classic newsletter about the carbon footprint of email and the place of innovation in email marketing strategies.

No compromise, Badsender is a newsletter quality!


We're not going to drown you under a ton of spam! Email newsletters are once a month. The "Sobriety and Marketing" newsletter is also sent out once a month. Invitations are sent out two weeks before the live shows. (maximum two lives per month). The people having opened live invitations are sent out again on the day. And that's it!

Respecting your privacy

Badsender has always campaigned for responsible emailing that respects citizen-consumer data. So whatever its name (preference center, communication center, confidentiality center, consent edge table, ...), we owe it to you to give you a absolute control over your data and your consents. Go to the email footer !

Quality content

We are not journalists (not yet?) but we're independent and we serve the truth rather than our own interests. That's why we check our information and cite our sources whenever possible. We constantly strive to provide complete and balanced information.

Listening to our community

You are our main source of inspiration ! Whether it's to suggest guests for our live shows, to ask us your emailing questions, to suggest topics, to show us the best examples of newsletters, ... we're always delighted to have you contribute to our content. So do not hesitate to contact us.