A selection of striking newsletter examples

Looking for inspiration for your next emailings or newsletters? Here are some examples of emails that have caught the attention (or not) of Badsender team members.

We select a variety of practices innovative and differentiating for your editorial newsletters, product emails, welcome emails, birthday emails, satisfaction emails, etc. Enjoy!


From: Clémence & Vivien
E-mail address: mailing@clemenceetvivien.com
Subject: Have you seen our latest news?
Preheader : Inexistant
Date: 02/17/2025


From: The Beem Team
E-mail address: hello@beemenergy.com
Subject: Your €434 Beem On ends tonight
Preheader : Make the most of it!
Date: 21/01/2025
From: Pierre Hermé Paris
E-mail address: newsletter@pierreherme.com
Subject: Last days for our "Les Adorables" macaroons
Date: 01/14/2025


From: Grégory Pouy
E-mail address: hop@kessel.media
Subject: Would you like to receive hop! again?
Date: 03/01/2025


From: Laura | Netatmo
E-mail address: news@info.netatmo.com
Object: Visit the Netatmo smart home
Preheader : Simplicity at your fingertips
Date: 12/31/2024


From: Le Jouet Simple
E-mail address: bonjour@lejouetsimple.fr
Item: Discover the Christmas boutique
Preheader: Gift ideas to awaken to the world
Date: 05/12/2024


From: Stripo team
E-mail address: support@stripo.email
Subject: Stripo update. Has your subscription been updated?
Preheader : Inexistant
Date: 21/11/2024

product, promo

Sender: Lucas d'helios
E-mail address: lucas@bienvenue.helios.do
Subject: [TIP] How to save for your personal projects?
Preheader : Save for your dream: it's child's play with helios.
Date: 20/11/2024
From: SodaStream France
E-mail address: bubbles@sodastream.fr
Subject: (emoji Santa Claus) Is your list ready?
Preheader: KO
Date: 20/11/2024
Sender: Alternatives Economiques
E-mail address: info@mailing.alternatives-economiques.fr
Subject: Paris 2024 has made "social cleansing" an Olympic discipline
Preheader : Open this email in your browser Every day at 5pm, our look at the news 14/11/2024 P...
Date: 19/11/2024


Sender: Camille from Greenpeace
E-mail address: informations@act.greenpeace.fr
Subject: The fossil fuel industry wants to silence us again
Preheader: Greenpeace is in danger!
Date: 10/10/2024

welcome, trigger

From: TAG Heuer
E-mail address: mytagheuer@emailing.tagheuer.com
Subject: Welcome to TAG Heuer
Preheader: Swiss avant-garde since 1860
Date: 19/09/2024

newsletter, product

From: Clementine d'Alltricks
E-mail address: clementine@newsletter.alltricks.com
Subject: Orbea Rise: e-bike light excellence is here!
Preheader: DH World Champion: equip yourself like Loris Vergier
Date: 10/09/2024


From: Respire
E-mail address: hello@respire.co
Subject: The summer continues
Preheader: Remember to protect your skin
Date: 09/09/2024

welcome, trigger

Date: 08/27/2024


Sender: Selency
E-mail address: Selency@updates.selency.com
Subject: Untitled
Preheader: Yes, the editor is still on vacation. But our good plans aren't.
Date: 08/27/2024
From: Duralex® Boutique
E-mail address: partenaires-dx@lmfv.fr
Subject: Welcome to the Duralex family!
Preheader : Duralex website welcome to the family...
Date: 08/27/2024


From: Patagonia Europe
E-mail address: funhogs@emea.patagonia.com
Subject: A first look at what's new for Autumn 2024
Preheader: Everything is covered by our Ironclad Warranty.
Date: 26/08/2024


Date: 07/31/2024

other, bad

From: Master of Malt
E-mail address: pleasereply@masterofmalt.com
Subject: ave over 50% (!?!) on aGeINg from TBGC
Preheader: nonexistent
Date: 07/30/2024


Date: 08/07/2024


E-mail address: ademe@contact.ademe.fr
Subject: This summer, think slow tourism
Preheader : If you are unable to read this message, please follow...
Date: 06/24/2024

bad, product

From: Schneider Electric
E-mail address: mailto:reply@se.com
Subject: NFC15-100 standard | All the news
Preheader: none
Date: 20/06/2024


From: MAAF
E-mail address: maaf@information.maaf.fr
Subject: Mr Fischer, strengthen your cybersecurity
Preheader : Protect yourself against cyberthreats
Date: 19/06/2024

event, trigger

From: Café Joyeux
E-mail address: contact@email.cafejoyeux.com
Subject: An appointment not to be missed?
Preheader: nonexistent
Date: 07/06/2024
From: Mathilde de Recyclivre
E-mail address: contact@news.recyclivre.com
Subject: A last-minute gift
Preheader: Recyclivre in the spotlight!
Date: 05/28/2024


Sender: Nickel
E-mail address: no-reply@fr.communications.nickel.eu
Subject: Thwarting the traps of fraudsters
Preheader : Learn to spot the signs
Date: 05/16/2024


Sender: Outside
E-mail address: newsletter@outside.fr
Subject: This week in Outside
Preheader : Inexistant
Date: 03/05/2024


From: Camif
E-mail address: news@info.camif.fr
Objet : Nature, a bed with a reduced carbon footprint
Preheader: Made from wood sourced from French forests, the Nature bed has everything to please...
Date: 04/19/2024


From: Maria Lopez
E-mail address: maria.lopez@alan.com
Subject: Sébastien, do you love Alan? You're our best ambassador
Date: 04/17/2024

newsletter, product

Sender: WeTransfer
E-mail address: transfer@mail.wetransfer.com
Subject: Upload #6: Smoother collaborations, our new iPad app, uplifting music, and a gallery guide
Preheader : Find out what's in store this month...
Date: 04/17/2024


Sender: Green
E-mail address: lalettre@vert.eco
Subject: He's a fascist, isn't he?
Preheader: It's not just the temperatures that are extreme.
Date: 04/16/2024


From: Murfy
E-mail address: bonjour@murfy-astuces.fr
Subject: Welcome to the Murfy box
Preheader: Your device will tell you Murfy!
Date: 12/04/2024

product, transac

From: LEGO News
E-mail address: noreply@e.crm.lego.com
Item: Incredible new LEGO® sets await you?
Preheader: no preheader
Date: 03/29/2024


Sender: Citeo Customer relations
E-mail address: actualites@clients.citeo.com
Subject: Citeo in a nutshell - February 2024
Preheader : Your REP news digest for the past few weeks!
Date: 03/29/2024


From: VistaPrint
E-mail address: vistaprint@mail.vistaprint.fr
Subject: Your mystery offer expires THIS EVENING!
Date: 13/03/2024

bad, product

Sender: SANDRO
E-mail address: sandro@nl.sandro-paris.com
Subject: Shades of blue
Preheader : Inexistant
Date: 12/03/2024

transac, trigger

E-mail address: no-reply@newsletters.crm-petitbateau.com
Subject: PIerre, discover what's in store for you!
Preheader : Your advantages, online version / unsubscribe
Date: 28/02/2024

newsletter, sobriety

From: Alex du Vieux Campeur
E-mail address: alex@auvieuxcampeur.fr
Subject: Repair before you buy!
Preheader : Discover our repair workshops
Date: 26/02/2024
From: GEWA Digital Drums
E-mail address: info@gewamusic.com
Subject: GEWA Digital Drums Insider: Exciting News - Introducing the New GEWA Digital Drums Website!
Preheader: no preheader
Date: 23/02/2024


From: Libé portraits
E-mail address: newsletter@newsletter.liberation.fr
Subject: Lorie, Emilie Tran Nguyen, Virginie Grossat...
Preheader : Portraits of the week
Date: 22/02/2024


From: Acuitis
E-mail address: crm@acuitis.com
Subject: Your ears are saying OUÏE!
Preheader: Until March 30, 2024, take advantage of our offers NOTHING BUT...
Date: 21/02/2024


From: Picard & Nous
E-mail address: newsletter@mail.picard.fr
Subject: It's today !!!!
Preheader: Find inspiration fast
Date: 15/02/2024


Sender: Your Health Insurance
E-mail address: assurance-maladie@info.ameli.fr
Subject: ameli&vous: cancer screening - sporting activities
Date: 01/31/2024
From: Leroy Merlin Grande-Synthe - Dunkerque
E-mail address: leroymerlin@mail.leroymerlin.fr
Subject: Last days to enjoy
Preheader: - 15 % on laminate and parquet flooring
Date: 26/01/2024


From: Babbel
E-mail address: what@members.babbel.com
Subject: Your future is written in a new language...
Preheader: Realize our prediction with 60% discount.
Date: 24/01/2024


From: Le Monde
E-mail address: noreply@relai.lemonde.fr
Subject: The deletion of your "Le Monde" account is scheduled.
Preheader : Dear Reader, You have recently requested to receive our newsletters...
Date: 22/01/2024

bad, newsletter

E-mail address: ademe@contact.ademe.fr
Subject: Sorting biowaste at source, now!
Preheader : Inexistant
Date: 11/01/2024


From: Quitoque
E-mail address: newsletter@news.quitoque.fr
Objet : Treasures from our craftsmen for memorable holidays!
Preheader: Terroirs in the spotlight
Date: 01/01/2024


Sender: Picture
E-mail address: info@newsletter.picture-organic-clothing.com
Subject: Tick-tock... Only a few days left to be delivered in time for the holidays!
Preheader: Tick-tock... Only a few days left to be delivered in time for the holidays!
Date: 20/12/2023


From: Your Caisse d'Epargne advisor
E-mail address: conseiller@cehdf.caisse-epargne.fr
Subject: Votre magazine societaires Automne 2023 - N°04
Preheader : Inexistant
Date: 19/12/2023


From: Cultura
E-mail address: cultura@clients.cultura.fr
Subject: Discover your Cultur'addict privileges
Preheader: Private sales at reduced prices
Date: 19/12/2023


From: LPO France
E-mail address: lpo@emailing.lpo.fr
Subject: Photo of the week: the weekly nature rendez-vous
Preheader: This week, meet...
Date: 12/14/2023
From: BOKU
E-mail address: contact@helloboku.com
Subject: Limited offer: 41% rebate on this pack?
Preheader: no preheader
Date: 12/14/2023

bad, promo

From: IRO
E-mail address: contact@email-iroparis.com
Subject: Evening time l Evening wear
Preheader : Discover it online and in store
Date: 11/12/2023


From: Adidas
E-mail address: adidas@be-news.adidas.com
Subject: Mid-Season Promo: Up to 40% Off!
Preheader : Up to 40% off Originals, performance & more
Date: 05/12/2023


From: Privacy Digest by Ghostery
E-mail address: newsletter@ghostery.com
Subject: The Face Is the Final Frontier of Privacy
Preheader: White House Surveillance Program Gives Cops Access to Trillions of US Phone Records??
Date: 04/12/2023


From: Commown
E-mail address: contact@commown.coop
Subject: Newsletter n°63
Preheader : Fairphone 5, Invest in Commown, GreenTech Forum, Board of Directors, Pr...
Date: 01/12/2023


From: Tripadvisor
E-mail address: inspiration@mp1.tripadvisor.com
Subject: A sunny getaway in Madeira
Preheader: Hike Pico Ruivo, sip Madeira wine, watch dolphins and more...
Date: 29/11/2023


From: Alan
E-mail address: contact@alan.eu
Subject: Important - Compulsory health insurance - Register or opt out in under 5 minutes!
Preheader : Inexistant
Date: 27/11/2023

product, promo

Sender: Label Emmaüs
E-mail address: newsletter@label-emmaus.co
Object: Old objects for a new life
Preheader: Braderie à -50%, upcycled creations, jacquard sweaters, fashion week trends
Date: 16/11/2023
From: Oxbow
E-mail address: newsletter@news.oxbowshop.com
Item: Star of skicross, X Games, the Web, and much more, Enak Gavaggio joins Team Oxbow!
Date: 15/11/2023


From: The North Face
E-mail address: thenorthface@newsletter.thenorthface.com
Subject: Descendance: Dennis Ranalter's new film
Date: 14/11/2023


From: Lemahieu
E-mail address: newsletter@lemahieu.com
Subject: I'm on the fence, what about you?
Preheader: Limited Edition - Lemahieu x le Losc x CHU de Lille Limited Edition Lemahieu x Movember I...
Date: 10/11/2023

bad, promo

From: Free Mobile
E-mail address: freemobile@free-mobile.fr
Item: A refurbished phone at an exceptional price, you can't miss it!
Preheader : A good plan for the planet and your wallet
Date: 10/11/2023
From: Greenweez.com
E-mail address: noreply@greenweez.com
Subject: Mail registration
Preheader: This is an automated e-mail, please do not reply.
Date: 08/11/2023


From: La Corneille
E-mail address: stacy.algrain@sciencespo.fr
Subject: Welcome to La Corneille!
Preheader : No
Date: 10/30/2023


From: Action Rocket
E-mail address: emailweekly@actionrocket.co
Subject: EmailWeekly #444: It's an unlucky date for some
Preheader : but not if you're an egg!
Date: 16/10/2023

bad, promo

From: ZAO Makeup
E-mail address: newsletters@zaomakeup.com
Subject: -20% on all lip products!
Preheader: Smile for Smile Day
Date: 13/10/2023
From: La Baguetterie
E-mail address: contact@baguetterie.fr
Subject: Fabien, thank you for your loyalty!
Preheader : Free delivery for orders over €59 | Pay 4X free of charge
Date: 06/10/2023


Sender: La Poste-Colissimo
E-mail address: noreply@notif-colissimo-laposte.info
Subject: Your parcel has arrived!
Preheader: Important information for your delivery Mon espac client La Poste SUIVRE MON COLI...
Date: 05/10/2023


From: Opquast
E-mail address: support@opquast.com
Subject: Opquast Newsletter N°103 - Repetitive errors
Preheader : Opquast Newsletter N°103 - Friday, September 29, 2023
Date: 05/10/2023

bad, event

From: Spotify
E-mail address: no-reply@spotify.com
Subject: Personalized concert recommendations near you: Chilly Gonzales, Queen and many more
Preheader: Guess who's going to perform in your town...
Date: 02/10/2023


From: Avast
E-mail address: notification@emails.avast.com
Subject: Your Avast Cleanup Premium subscription expires tomorrow!
Preheader: Don't wait any longer! Renew your subscription now and save 30 %
Date: 02/10/2023


From: Ivan Zhao
E-mail address: ivan@mail.notion.so
Subject: Notion 2.33
Preheader : Automate workflows.
Date: 26/09/2023


Sender: EA
E-mail address: EA@e.ea.com
Subject: A new season of overflowing activity!
Preheader : See in browser | Find out what's in store.
Date: 14/09/2023


E-mail address: newsletter@filmotv.fr
Subject: Drugs, booze, partying: Matthew McConaughey is unrecognizable
Preheader: This week in the subscription...
Date: 05/09/2023


From: Meter-Reading
E-mail address: meter-reading@sibelga.be
Subject: Sibelga - your statement
Preheader : N/A
Date: 04/09/2023


Sender: Asphalt
E-mail address: help@asphalte.com
Subject: Gentlemen, meet the Raincoat Technique.
Preheader: Attention, masterpiece
Date: 01/09/2023


Sender: I've got a buddy in communications
Mail address: J'ai un pote dans la com
Subject: Guide to the different categories of influencers: who to choose?
Preheader : N/A
Date: 28/08/2023


From: Alex du Vieux Campeur
E-mail address: alex@auvieuxcampeur.fr
Subject: Climb new horizons!
Preheader: All alpine gear at the "Vieux".
Date: 28/08/2023
From: 6play
E-mail address: programme@newsletter.m6.fr
Subject: Today is a special day, it's YOUR day!?
Preheader: no preheader
Date: 28/08/2023


From: Deb at Zapier
E-mail address: blog@send.zapier.com
Subject: Automatically update your Slack status
Preheader: Here's how to get the most out of Slack status updates, with automations that will help you keep your team up to date, even when you're in a rush.
Date: 28/08/2023


From: Armand Thiery Femme
E-mail address: armand_thiery_femme@news.armandthiery.fr
Subject: Make the most of summer with our new products!
Preheader : Free home delivery for orders over €59 | Free 48-hour in-store delivery
Date: 21/08/2023


From: Loom
E-mail address: hello@loom.fr
Subject: To be read before wearing socks
Preheader: Hello Marion, You have just received your Loom order.
Date: 18/08/2023


From: ActiveCampaign
E-mail address: product-updates@activecampaign.com
Subject: Discover ActiveCampaign's new products of the month
Preheader: We present AI-powered automation of threading and reporting of personalized e-mails, and much more.
Date: 18/08/2023


From: tails.com
E-mail address: bonjour@tails.com
Subject: We'll soon be preparing the next Irish order
Preheader : Inexistant
Date: 17/08/2023


Sender: Leandre from Shadow
E-mail address: leandre@shadow.tech
Object: Rabeb, Gaëtan, Alice, Bruno... discover the faces that make up Shadow
Preheader: What if you were our next recruit?
Date: 17/08/2023


From: Lush France
E-mail address: lush.france@hello.eu.lush.com
Subject: Would you like to unsubscribe from our Father's Day newsletters?
Preheader : Would you like to receive a Father's Day newsletter?
Date: 17/08/2023


Sender: Sticker Mule
E-mail address: help@stickermule.com
Subject: New glitter stickers ?
Preheader : - 50 for $19
Date: 17/08/2023


From: Adobe
E-mail address: mail@mail.adobe.com
Subject: Explore the fascinating world of Creative Cloud
Preheader: let your creative juices flow with our apps, product presentations and features. Create bold designs with Creative Cloud
Date: 17/08/2023


Sender: Vianney from Back Market
E-mail address: vianney@backmarket.com
Subject: Cannes awards spoiler.
Preheader: Back Market on the Croisette.
Date: 17/08/2023


From: Paula de 900.care
E-mail address: tellmemore@900.care
Subject: TR: Deo test results - 72 hours of effectiveness!
Preheader : Hello Aymeric, As expected, the results of the deodorant panel are very promising: even after 72 hours of use, the...
Date: 17/08/2023


From: Shaina Lebeau
E-mail address: communicationanimale@shaina-lebeau.com
Subject: Newsletter des colibris
Preheader : Inexistant
Date: 17/08/2023


From: Pierre & Vacances
E-mail address: pvcp@express.fra1.medallia.eu
Subject: Your stay at Pierre & Vacances
Preheader : Inexistant
Date: 17/08/2023


From: Spotify
E-mail address: no-reply@spotify.com
Subject: Two Premium accounts at €12.99 with Duo
Preheader: Save money by switching to Duo
Date: 17/08/2023


From: citizenM Rotterdam Hotel
E-mail address: supportrtm@service.citizenm.com
Subject: Booking code XXXXXX in Rotterdam
Preheader : The world's fluffiest pillows await!
Date: 17/08/2023


From: SNCF Connect
E-mail address: noreply@connect.sncf
Subject: Your trip Crepy En Valois - Paris Nord, outward journey Tuesday June 14, 2022
Preheader : Inexistant
Date: 17/08/2023


From: AllTrails
E-mail address: no-reply@email.alltrails.com
Subject: We've made a few updates you'll love!
Preheader: Discover our new features for a better experience on and off the trails.
Date: 17/08/2023


Sender: La Poste-Colissimo
E-mail address: noreply@notif-colissimo-laposte.info
Subject: Your parcel has been delivered!
Preheader : Inexistant
Date: 17/08/2023


From: france.tv
E-mail address: francetv@nl.francetv.fr
Subject: We won't give up on you so easily 😉
Preheader : A click before 04/08 can still change everything
Date: 17/08/2023


From: Ted Goas
E-mail address: ted@tedgoas.com
Subject: Doing strategy as a designer, a fair way to look at global carbon emissions, and editing code in ESPs.
Preheader : Companies trying to get people back in the office lol
Date: 17/08/2023


E-mail address: support@actito.com
Subject: Activate your ACTITO account
Preheader : Inexistant
Date: 17/08/2023


From: Darty
E-mail address: darty@news.darty.com
Item: Discover our bedding selection
Preheader : For a dreamy night's sleep
Date: 17/08/2023